Part 2.

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Max stared at his hands, while waited for his parents. He was ready to fly to Monaco and to meet the family. He was a bit nervous, his hands were sweaty, and his clothes were too warm, even though it was autumn. He wore a blue suit, with a blue tie and black shoes. He also had a watch on his right wrist and a simple silver bracelet on his left.

-You okay mate? His wingman for the trip, Lando threw himself down next to the Dutchman. Lando wore a black suit and shoe, a watch and a blue bracelet.

-Yeah. A bit nervous though. Max laughed in embarrassment.

-I would be too! I mean I know, I’ll also be there, but you’ll be the main attraction! I just need to be there and stand, maybe listen… that’s it! But I’ll be there with you so no need to be nervous! Lando winked and put an arm around Max’s shoulders.

-Thank you! I feel better now, that I know you will also be there! They started laughing and Lando leaned on Max’s shoulder. Suddenly the room door opened and Jos stood there, with an angry look on his face. The two boy immediately let go of each other and started looking at the ground.

-Get up, we need to go. He said in his monotone voice and closed the door.

-Sometimes I just want to hit him so hard! Max said as he clenched his fists.

-Same, but with a chair. The Britt stood up and held his hand out to help Max get up. The Dutch accepted it, and they smiled at each other.
-Come on now! We need to go and meet with ‘The Hottest Royal Family’ ever!

-The Hottest Royal Family? What? Max glanced at the smaller with a strange look on his face. There is only one person who knows that Max is pansexual, and that is Lando. He came out to him when he was 17. He thinks that his mom expects something, she even hinted to it, but Max is too afraid to come out.

‘-You can tell me anything, you know that Max right? His mom said. He knows this, but he just not ready yet. He came out to Lando 10 minutes ago, and he still felt weird and good at the same time.
-I know. He nodded and walked to his room.’

-I mean, have you seen them? They’re just really hot. Especially Arthur!

‘-Lando, I- I think I’m pansexual! Do you know what that is? He was sweating so bad because of his embarrassment.
-Of course I know what that is silly! I’m so proud of you! He hugged him. Just so you know, you don’t need to tell this to anyone if you don’t want to, okay? He let go. I’m here for you no matter what.’

-Is there anything you want to tell me? Max asked with a laugh.

-Nah. The Brit responded as he shrugged his shoulders. They reached the car, and they sat in next to each other, not looking at the others. Their luggage were already in the car. Max could feel his father’s stare, burn into his soul. He started to talk with Lando, and his sister, they talked about everything, and sometimes laughed too loud. Lando is like a family member, only Jos thinks different.
He never liked Max's friends, only his girl friends. His everyday routine is to remind Max that he need to find a girlfriend as soon as possible, he always gave him a death stare when he stood a little close to a boy. Suddenly Jos cleared his troath, all three of them glanced at him, but he only looked at Max with a death stare. Lando and Vic continued to talk but Max couldn't look away from his father's eyes. 'What the fuck is his problem again?' Max asked himself. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at his father with a questioning look on his face. Jos pointed at Max's knee that touched Lando's, his hand which was behind the Brit's back. Max understood the warning and he moved away. He stared out of the window under the whole drive, Lando asked him if there's something wrong, but Max just sook his had and said everything is fine.

After an hour drive they were finally at the airport. Max could see the excitement on Lando’s face when they got up on the airplane. He’s been acting really strange. First he says that Arthur is hot, now he is excited about a trip just to see a royal family. He doesn’t want to ask anything about it, his parents always taught him to be respectful, and he also remembers what Lando said when he came out. He tells it to him when he feels it.
They went with their own private jet. He made himself comfortable in the chair, and he slowly fell asleep.

Sorry lads, this chapter is really boring and short, but when I wrote it i also watched football, MCC and listened to One Direction (it was their 12th anyversary I had to) all at the same time😭😭😭 So sorry about that the next chapter will hopefully be more exciting!!

About what happened on the race today, I'm really sad and dissapointed for Charles, happy for George tho. He would've deserve this win, it's really sad what happened, and that scream on the radio feels like somebody stabbed into my heart whit a knife than twisted it.
My Lestappen heart died after Max cursed and asked if Charles was okay, you could tell he was looking forward to fight with him.
And to all those people under a F1 tweet where they posted the audio about Max asking how Charles is, can you stop being an asshole? Writing "He only asked it because he is white" or "Lewis would never", Max is not racist! Yes, he didn't asked how Lewis is after the Monza crash in 2021, but that doesn't make him racist. They had a pretty bad rivalization last year, and 98% of the time Lewis was the one who said unrespectful things. And yes, Lewis maybe likes to blame the others, but he cares about the people! He also askes, how the other driver is when they crashed.
F1 twitter community, stop being so toxic and learn how to NOT talk shit about the driver you don't like.

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