31. Witch

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Jace and Luke were training by the waters, Jace had gotten Luke on his back, sword flung from his hands. He grabbed Luke's shirt and pushed him down.

''What was that?'' Luke whined.

''I'm sorry." Jace muttered letting him go.

''You might go easier on him, my prince... so he can learn what you're trying to teach.' His guard remarked from afar.

''Your lady mother needs to see you.' Was called down they turned their attention back to the castle. ''Both of you.'


' Oh, fսck.'' Rhaenyra groaned out leaning against the wall for support.

"Princess.'' Rhaenyra looked over at her eldest boys, she let out a shaky breath as she built up the strength to tell them.

'Your grandsire, King Viserys, has passed." Rhaenyra informed them.


''The Greens have repudiated the succession and claimed the Iron Throne. Aegon has been crowned king." Rhaenyra informed them through a pained breath

'What is to be done about it?' Jace asked

''Nothing yet.'' Rhaenyra admitted

''And where is Daemon?'' Jace asked again

''I don't know." Rhaenyra groaned out holding to her stomach ''Gone to madness. Gone to plot his war." Jace turned to the door but Rhaenyra called after him ''Leave Daemon with me. Jace. Jace." She begged. ''Whatever claim remains to me, you are now its heir. Nought is to be done but by my command." Rhaenyra demanded


''The raven flew in this morning, the sea snake's fever is broken and he has left Edenfall."

"Where is he sailing?" Daemon asked looking around the table, plotting.

''That much is unclear, my prince.''

''We'll send ravens to our nearest allies.'' Daemon decreed. ''Lords Darkling, Massey... and Baremon.''

''Do you want to speak to the maester, my prince?''

''I'll fly to the riverlands myself and affirm Lord Tully's support.'' Daemon corrected but Jace stormed in. He was never a fan of Daemon but his mother seemed to like him.

"You will do no such thing." Jace corrected his small, slim presence demanding authority. ''My mother has decreed no action be taken while she's a bed.''

''It's good you're here, young prince. You're needed to patrol the skies on Vyrmax." Daemon remarked nonchalantly, ignoring him.

''Did you hear what I said?'' Jace demanded marching closer.

''The ravens, Lord Bartimus."

"I shall see it done."

"Another to remarked is that the Hightowers have a witch on their side a witch that Rhaenys seemed nervous about so theres that to put in our back pockets." Daemon added. "But I will fear a witch the day I crave an apple." Daemon mused.

"Daemon." Jace hissed.

"Summon to Stefan. Our King's Guard are needed on the Dragonland." Daemon told the council before turning to a very angry Jace. ''Come with me. I'll show you the true meaning of loyalty.''


Life is precious, but so is death. Both must be respected.

Uri once believed that positive emotions were the cornerstone of powerful magic. But then she got into a fight and she never felt power like that before. That strength was only forged in those harsh truths.

But Uri knew now that must make peace with all her emotions. The reckless joy of the positive and the despair of the negative. There is beauty and power in both.

"What are you?" Helaena asked.

"Human." Uri offered as they headed back to the castle. "Some days I'm a bit more." Helaena looked to Aemond as he held to Uri's hand. "That lady kicked the dragons nest."

"A war is coming." Aemond agreed. Alicent looked back at them.

"I saw your hand." Helaena remarked and Uri held out her hand. "It was on fire."

"You are confused Hela." Aemond assured. "That was Maelys."

"No." Helaena said confidently. "It was like wildfire," Helaena touched Uri's hand gently.

"What are you on about?" Alicent questioned.

"Uri is magic." Helaena whispered.

"She sure is." Aemond agreed kissing her cheek.

"You could protect us." Helaena went on. "You have powers."

"Something you must know that anything with the power to destroy can also protect. I might have the power to save the world. Or destroy it." Uri informed her. But Uri didnt think about saving the world. She thought about saving her world. The person she loved, the people she cared about. If she used her power for that... she could never go wrong.


Daemon stood outside, Caraxes behind him, Jace watched silently, completely still as Ser Stefan and Ser Laurent stood before them.

'' You swore an oath as Knights of the King's Guard.'' Daemon reminded them, hand on the hilt of his sword as he stared down at them.

''As do all who wear the White Cloak, my Prince.'' Stefan answered

''To whom?''

''I swore first to King Jehaerys, my Prince. And then, to his grace, King Viserys, when he succeeded him.' Stefan informed him.

''Do you acknowledge the true line of succession?'' Daemon questioned


"Yes, my prince.'' They both agreed.

''Do you recall how King Viserys named his heir before his death?" Daemon questioned

''Princess Rhaenyra." Stefan answered.

"I'm grateful for your long service to the Crown. So I'm presenting you with a choice." Daemon informed them confidently. Caraxes shrieked from behind him stepping closer.

''I swear anew your oath to Rhaenyra as your queen, to Prince Jacaerys as the heir to the Iron Throne. Or if you support the usurper speaker now, then you will have a clean and honorable death." Daemon went on and Caraxes seemed to smile as he brought his large face down to Daemon, his eyes gleaming as he stared at the knights. ''But if you choose treachery, if you swear fealty now only to later turn your cloaks, know that you will die... Screaming."

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