2. Uri

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Basic Fairy Abilities

Channeling: Like every fairy, possesses the ability to channel her own emotions as a source of power to fuel her magic. She also has the ability to channel the Stone Circle.

Eye-Color Shifting: As a Fire Fairy, when Uri's powers are in use her eyes shift to orange, flames illuminated in her eyes.

Levitation: During the stage of transformation, Uri began to float in the air.

Wings Manifestation: Using the Transformation Magic, Uri grew fire wings.

Fire Fairy Abilities

Pyrokinesis: She possesses the ability to generate and manipulate fire. She has demonstrated this ability on many occasions being able to: generate fire in her palms, send a concentrated flow of fire, as well as being able to generate fire onto external sources.

Fire Resistance: Uri has been able to withstand her skin being in contact with candle flames, camp stoves, and blowtorches without sustaining any burns. When she uses her powers, she is completely resistant to the fire she creates, preventing her skin, hair, and even her clothes from burning due to contact with the flames. Thermokinesis.


Alfea was a bore. Uri yawned spinning her gateway ring on her finger.

''Silva,'' she hissed.

'''Uri come on. Good impression Uri. we have to make a good impression.'' he reminded her ''we are some of the youngest instructors we have to look good make them look good we get promoted and we're the favorites just like that.''

''you know I hate this... right?' Uri whispered.

''I know that this is not your dream job but I also know-' Saul Silva began but Uri groaned

''I know that we are destined for more than just teaching magic to ungrateful little shits. Kids are shits. All of them, vicious little horney monsters." Uri corrected. "I don't know how you convinced me into this."

''Technically I don't have magic.'' he reminded her. Although Uri was a fairy, Silva was a specialist and her very best friend. Specialists were non magical humans but trained with great efficiency in combat, defense and weaponry.

''Yes you teaching all these ungrateful little twats how to fight and me burning the world to the ground!" Uri exclaimed with a cackle.

''There is no burning URI I know you are my little flame but we are not to burn students or burn the school down.'' Silva reminded her

''Did I say anything about burning students or burning the school I'm just saying I like to start fires." Uri added innocently.

''And stop messing with that ring do you know what terrifies me.'' Silva hissed swatting at her hand

''You're scared of everything. It's not my fault.''

''You're one of the most powerful fairies in the world and you have a gateway ring that scares me.'' Silva told her.

''I can go anywhere, anywhere.'' she reiterated, any realm in any dimension and yet im back here, at Alfea." Uri reminded him stiffly as she looked down to the glimmer of her gateway ring. ''Why are we here? Why are we at the school when we can be exploring other realms? Just doesn't make sense to me why we have to be trapped here when we can be literally anywhere else I want to be anywhere else." Uri exclaimed ''I don't want to teach I don't wanna job and have to make money and work for a living.' Silva rolled his eyes ''I want to do magic I want to be appreciated for my magic and my skills and I wanna blow stuff up and not get in trouble.''

''Well we live in the real world''

''There are other realms where im sure I could rule if I wanted. I don't want to live in the real world." she countered.

''Those other realms are not to be messed with Uri.' Silva begged.

''I just want to have some fun. I wanna live life and forget about the responsibilities of the world like classes and teaching first years how to make a flame or hold onto their little water bubbles, God I hate water fairies they are so dreadful."

"Only because you are a fire fairy." Silva countered. "They put out your little fires."

"I can put out my own fires." She sent an arm out and lit the bush on fire.

"URI!" Silva shouted and Uri smirked drawing the flame back to her, the bush was burnt but the fire was gone.

"you know your power scares me.' Silva muttered dragging her along.

''You've said that multiple times.'' Uri agreed.

''Yeah you don't listen to me... Ever. You're one of the most powerful fairies in the world if that power is released I worry for the fate of us all.''

''Wow thank you.'' she said sarcastically ''what a good friend you are.'

''Come on Uri. I just want whats best for you.'' Silva assured. ''I want you give up this irrational dream of taking off. You have wanted to leave for... forever.''

''Sorry for wanting more from this life and the stupid school. As if going here wasn't hell enough not we are back by choice for a shitty pay check and dealing with twats." Uri told him.

''You're my best friend Uri. I adore you. I just want you to be happy here.'' Silva told her honestly.

''I'll try. I'm sorry I've been so difficult I just can't help but think that my gifts are being wasted at Alfea.' Uri told him softly.

''I know Uri. Come on help me kick these first years ass.'' 

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