"Should I bring your food?"rukayya ask and Bello shake his head.

The "kunun Aya"you said I should git you."he say handing her the black nylon and she collect it with a smile.

"Thank you,
I thought you will forget today again,
You didn't buy the buns?
Anyway thank you."she say uncapping the bottle and Bello release a tiring breathe.

"Sallamu'alaikum."the familiar voice say and enter the parlour.

"Mutanen London"
Where have you been since morning?
I thought you said you take the week?"rukayya say and offer Ahmad the kunun Aya bottle and he collect carrying one of the buns before he sit on the couch next to her.

"Good afternoon ya Bello."he greet before removing his backpack.
I went about this scholarship thing,
They say the government won't be responsible for our passport and accommodation, that the only take care of our tuition fees that's all we will sort out the rest by ourself and they even give deadline,
The thing tired me abeg, everything in this country thy must do it differently."Ahmad rant and rukayya chuckle.

"But why are you upset,
that's not a problem,
Ehen your brother say I should tell you we are all moving to a new house he bought this Sunday."rukky say with a cheering laugh but Ahmad and Bello just exchange a look but didn't say a word.

Didn't you two want to go?"she ask and Bello shake his head.

"I'm not going anywhere,
Ahmad will go."Bello say looking at his junior brother and rukayya bgive him a confuse look.

"But why?
You can't stay here only you and everyone is going,
Ibrahim will be happy if you all come and stay with him, we will all live like a family again."rukayya say and Bello sigh.

"Rukky i have alot of things to do,
I will see you two later."Bello say and leave the parlour and rukky give Ahmad a curious look and he shrug.

"I'm going to meet ya Ibrahim if he comes today let me tell him about the scholarship process maybe he will give me the money."Ahmad say and rukky nod.

Not that she can't pay for Ahmad passport and other stuffs, she have alot of money that she doesn't even know what to do with them, if only haidar is around she would know how to spend them but now nothing matter's to her and she knows Ibrahim won't be happy if she still try to pry on his brother's life so she will let Ahmad ask him so it won't look as tho she's trying to separate three brother.


Grabbing the few things i need and arrange them inside the suitcase i glance at rukayya who's sorting out the pile of clothes on the bed,
Tomorrow we are all moving to the new house my wedding is next week,
I have order the beat furnitures for Aisha, she was the one that even selected what she wants and how everything should be, i furnished rukky's apartment to likewise the BQ for my brother's.
I finish arranging my stuffs in my suitcase and look around the distorted room, the house is a mess, rukky is doing a full house sanitation when I come this morning, i cross the few clothes and exit the bedroom,
I'm probably not coming back to this house anymore,

I exit the parlour and spot rukky speaking to my two brothers in a whisper, i hate that my brother's listen to rukayya and turn against me, she have succeeded in manipulating them and turning them against me.

"Ya Ibrahim."Ahmad call as i drop my suitcase in the back of my car, he walk towards me and I shut the door close at same time.

"Good morning."he greet again and I nod.

Well "daman akan scholarship Dina ne"
They say we will be the one to sort for our transport, accommodation and other stuffs the government are responsible for only our tuition fees."he say a little unsure as i just look at him, i release a heavy breathe and glance at rukayya and Ahmad who are washing the curtains but I'm sure there ears are here.

"Scholarship!"i say and look at him.

"Did you tell me before applying for any scholarship?"i ask and he shake his head.

"It was aunty rukky that......

"Rukayya that help you right,
Because rukky is now your mother?
Go and meet the rukayya that send you to apply for scholarship to give you money,
Why are you coming to meet me,
You, as tiny as you are that you want to disrespect me,
Get out of my sight and open that gate for me."i say with a hiss and open my car.

I was hoping he would apologize, but he didn't he just head to the gate and angrily open it, Ahmad has always been the quiet one, he apologized even when he's wrong but thanks to rukayya she have instigate all the bad things into his head and now he's also misbehaving like someone from a trench, i drive out out of the house with a sigh and at same disappointed at my brother's that cannot even be happy for me about my success, my mum will never be happy with how they are envy about my success, i thought we were family but people always say, you never know who truly care about you until you achieve something in life, i push all thoughts and decide to head to my new home.


"Why will i apologize?
What did I do?
If he doesn't want to help fine,
He's not the first person to be wealthy in this life."Ahmad say upset, i have never seen him this angry.

"I'm not even going to the house again."he say with a hiss and stand up kicking the bucket in anger and Bello shake his head.

"So this is how Ahmad anger is,
Ahhh this kind of nagging,
I say i will pay for the passport,
Won't you help again with the washing?"i say laughing as he enter the house making me to shake my head.

"Why are you even still in this marriage?"Bello ask and I sigh.

"What will I do ya Bello,
I'm the only one that knows how i hurt Ibrahim and his anger towards me is justified,
Ibrahim doesn't have then but he make sure I had all, i went to the best private college , he was a good man but i was very mean and unappreciative,
I know he will come around, he's just so angry especially after the abortion i had and then we loss haidar,
I can understand his anger."i say with a weak smile and he shake his head.

"It doesn't mean,
He's been so callous and blinded by all this wealth and money he's making,
He picked offense in everything and doesn't even pay attention to things going on around him,
We are humans and if we don't learn to forgive and move in we will never find that happiness,
Rukky no one deserves to be treated the way he's treating you regardless whatever you did,
You apologize youtake responsibility of your mistakes and is willing to change because if him, if that isn't enough for hi. To understand you really love him then I don't know what else he want you to do."Bello say and i sigh not knowing what to say.

"Have you changed your mind about going with us?I ask changing the topic and Bello shake his head.

I'm not going rukayya,
I was born and raised here so I will be fine."Bello say and i nod with a tiring sigh

We continue talking mostly about life as Bello the me Stories about there childhood.

Life Of IbrahimWhere stories live. Discover now