Chapter One: Easy On Me-EDITED

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Ms. Newton,

Thank you for accepting my resume. I am indeed available at 2:30 this afternoon. Thank you for giving me a chance.


Katherine Blanchett

Then Marie Newton was hasty with her response.

Ms. Blanchett,

That sounds good. See you at 2:30.

Safe Travel,

Marie Newton

Secretary Of Lancaster Enterprises


Phone: 555-5555 ext. 555

I logged off my computer and checked my wristwatch. 1:34. Great I had a little under an hour to be there. I ran and got dressed in business wear and hurried to Lancaster Enterprises.

Upon my arrival, the receptionist led me to Marie who was waiting for me.

"Ms. Blanchett. Follow me please." She said. Marie was a tall blonde-haired woman maybe 25 or 26 and she was very pregnant. She was a very beautiful young woman.

Marie approached an office, knocked, and then opened the door.

"Ms. Blanchett is here sir." She said.

"Have a seat, Ms. Blanchett." Mr. Lancaster said. Blake Lancaster was a beautiful man with dark hair and big blue eyes. He stood at 6'2 and had a broad muscular build.

"That will be all Marie." He said and Marie exited the room quietly.

"Let me get to the point." He started. "To be honest you are not qualified for this job."

I looked at him confused. "Then why did Marie ask me here? She said I was qualified." I asked very confused.

"Well, you are qualified for the job, just not the one you initially signed up for." He replied.

"Ms. Blanchett, need you to fake date me so my mother gets off my back about me finding someone."

"What?" I gasped thinking it was a joke.

"This isn't a joke Ms. Blanchett. I will pay you 5 million dollars in return you become my girlfriend and perhaps my wife eventually for 1 year. I have a contract all drawn up by my lawyer." He said.

5 million dollars is a lot. I thought for a moment.

"You will live with me and all your expenses will be paid for during the year as well as you will receive an additional paycheck resulting in the year of lost income along with your 5 million." He kept on saying.

"I accept," I said shocking myself.

"What?" He asked.

"I accept," I answered. I had my mother's chemo bills to still pay off and my father's funeral debt too so 5 million dollars would help immensely. My mother died 5 years ago of Leukemia and my father died of a heart attack a year later.

"I didn't think it would be that easy for someone to accept. But, I guess no one can resist my charm" He smirked.

"It's not because of your charm, Mr. Lancaster, it's because I need the money, you have no idea, sir." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh OK if you say so and please call me Blake, girlfriends usually don't call their boyfriends mister." He laughed. I just smiled and nodded.

"I will have my driver pick up your things from your apartment and bring them to my penthouse. My lawyer will meet us there to go over further details about the contract." He said casually.

"OK, that sounds good," I answered.

I followed him to his car: a Black Lamborghini. It was beautiful. He opened the passenger door for me and I got in and put my seat belt on.

"This is a very pretty car," I commented.

"Thank you, I am glad you like it." He answered. "We will go car shopping for you once you sign the contract, you can buy any car you want."

"Wait really?" I said baffled.

"Yes, I said taking care of your needs is part of the contract." He smiled.

"A car though?" I stuttered.

"Of course, Currently you don't have one and you're going to need one. Therefore it is a need and I will take care of it." He said.

"Well thank you, I will be on the lookout for a used car then," I answered.

"Oh honey, I am not buying you a used car. We will go car shopping together this weekend." He laughed.

"Um ok." The only words I could say without bothering him.

By the time we were done arguing, we reached this penthouse. I stepped inside and-

A/N: Left it at a cliffhanger so you guys will have to get 50 votes for chapter two!!! lol.

Thank you guys so much for all the love and support! As always please go share, comment, and VOTE! I edited this 1/1/2024. Please let me know if this is superior to my old writing, I've been working really hard at excelling my writing skills. =) Happy 2024 y'all!

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