The Lavender.

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          Upon opening your hardwood door, you are met with a feeling of dread as your eyes meet with emerald green ones that were becoming worryingly familiar at this point. It was none other than the Duchess, dressed in a discreet charcoal coat like that evening when you had first gotten tangled up in this mess.

As beautiful as she was, it was no secret in the palace that this was one of the cruellest women to exist. Not only did she torment people through her mind tricks, but she was also known for demanding much more than was necessary of people.

"Miss me?" She says in her naturally sultry voice, in a hushed tone as a smirk crept onto her lips.

"Hardly. I could have died. Did you mean to poison me?" You boldly interrogate her, crossing your arms as your [E/C] eyes scanned her for any sort of clue in her expression.

She let out a low laugh, covering her lips with her fingertips as if it was difficult to stop herself. "You can't be serious. Don't be doubting me because the moment you lose faith in me, our whole plan will fall apart," She begins, before her eyes snap to you and grow slender as she now talks in a more firm tone, dropping any playfulness in her voice: "Did you love your father or not? Leonide does not deserve to live, not only because of what he did to me but to you too. I understand your concern though, considering the mistake I've made but my next plan is sure not to fail."

You sigh, looking around and tapping your foot in thought. You had already begun would rather get out of this situation as quickly as possible. You still felt a need to avenge your father but at the same time, your trust in the Duchess had faltered.

"I'll take your silence as you being open to listening to my new plan. I've hired somebody from the backstreets to help. He is against the royal family as much as anyone can be. He's going to be planting gunpowder in the wine cellar, and all I need is for you to bait Leonide there and lock him in before the gunpowder is set off. It's going to attract attention but it's supposed to. Let's make an example out of him, [Name]. Don't let anybody make you feel helpless ever again," She speaks gently to you, halfway through the door frame.

"I don't know if I can keep doing this-"

"You will keep doing it. We've already joined forces, you can't back out on me now. Do it for your family. Make him suffer as they did," She whispers to you.

"Fine. This is not for you though, this is for my family. If this somehow fails too, we're done," You strictly agree, stepping forward aggressively as you make your point, causing her to stumble back several steps.

"Alright, alright. You don't need to worry, this plan is sure not to fail," She coos at you nonchalantly before returning to the hallway and slowly walking off, the sound of her heels tapping on the floor slowly mellowing out as she got further away.

Relieved, you close the door, only to immediately hear the ring from the bell used to summon you. Wondering what in the world the two troublemakers could want at this time of night, you hastily change into your maid's uniform from your gown and hastily leave. If you didn't listen to their demands, who knew what would happen? You had nearly forgotten your role here, having been distracted lately. No matter how comfortable you might get, or how they acted towards you, they could still end you with a simple gesture of the hand, the hands that brought your home to ruin.

As you left your room, you paced yourself hastily in order to reach Leonide's room without any further delay, assuming that was where you were supposed to go anyway. Whenever your bell had rung, it was always to see him summoning you for morning tea. While it was very early, surely it was too early for morning tea. It was just before the crack of dawn at this point, guessing from how the midnight blue sky had faded into a slightly lighter shade.

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