(Garou felt his body slow untill it stopped completely)

Stain: hahahaha! Your strong and fast but you still have a lot to learn!

(Stain revealed a small danger in his mouth, garou looked over to his hand and noticed there was a hole)

Garou: SHIT!

(Stain put his sword to garous neck)

Stain: any last words.

Garou: gggrrrraahhhhh!

(The sound of cracking confused Stain untill he looked down)

Stain: what the he-


(The sound of cracking filled the hallway and the entire hall way floor cracked open which made Stain jump back)

Midoriya: IDA!

(Turning back Stain. Saw a green hair boy)

Stain: you did that on purpose....you knew there where heroes around and you caused a scene to alert them!

(Garou grinned)

Garou: you said it yourself.....you gata be smarter

(Stain gritted his teeth and launched to garou)


(Stain blocked an attack from Midoriya and Wes sent towards garou)

Garou: fist of flowing water crushed rock!!

(Garou barraged Stain with quick yet powerfully blows, the power and speed behind them caused wind to push everything around and blind deku and a now able to move ida)

Midoriya: w-whats with this power!

Ida: Midoriya get out of here this is my fight!

(But before they could argue the wind stoped and both garou and stained disappeared)

Ida: wh-where WHERE IS STAIN!

(Midoriya placed a hand on Ida who didn't even flinch, he just shrugged it off and walked away, in que heroes started appearing)

(They both walked towards the heroes but not before looking back)

Midoriya: have I seen him before?


Stain: HMP! HMP!

(garou wrapped stain in clothes and some rope he found behind a ally. He didn't question it at all)

Garou: quit squirming or ill drop you from a building!

(Garou said annoyed, he bounced building to building heading quickly back tot he bar, he heard explosions and hero's every where but they where al focused on the nomus)

Garou: those things are hideous.

(Garou said with a disgust tone)

Stain: hmp!

(Garou looked annoyed as he jump onto another building and heading into the distance)


(Deku was being lectured by the heroes as well as Lisa, he felt bad for him but what occupied his mind was the man in the ally. He had tremendous power and tequnique. He seemed to be a martial artist, deku kept looking ad a depressed and regretfully lida, he saw the sorrow in his eyes)

Hours later.......

(Torino sat on a chair watching TV. He watched the video recording of the nomus causing havoc. He would have asked saitama to help but nezu wanted to keep saitama a secret. Atleast untill he got his license. To be honest torino felt something I nside his spark when watching saitama train. He felt young again......young and proud....he never really asked about saitamas past.....he felt like he wanted to focus on the now but he had to know about saitama sometime. How he got so strong. How he stayed under the radar for so long. Who his parents where.....he never remembered having any kids.....)

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