21. It's May? Already?

Start from the beginning

Amara remembered having a huge crush on Pietro when she first saw him, looking back, it embarrassed her, now, she couldn't possible answer the question honestly. "You answer it."

"Hmm... interesting," he said, wondering even more what Amara's first crush was. "My first crush was this girl, Gwen Stacy. She sat next to me in the 2nd grade and then we became lab partners in the 6th grade."

"What happened?" Amara asked, not noticing the small frown on her face.

"She moved away, to England at the start of 7th grade. I never told her how I felt," Peter said looking at the floor, thinking of how different times were back then.

Amara noticed this and felt a pang of... something. Was it jealousy? No way, why would she be jealous of someone she never met. Besides Amara likes Liz, and Peter has a crush on her. "Okay ask another question, I have to answer it now."

"Hmm... got it! The worst lie you've ever told, to anyone," Peter said.

Amara's eyes widened. She thought about it, her answer was obvious, but she couldn't tell Peter that the worst lie she's ever told was not telling him who she was. So she remembered something pretty bad she did a couple of years ago. "Umm... when we lived in Malibu, I kind of stole my dad's car."

"What?! You stole your dad's car?!" Peter asked in amazement. "Why?!"

"I drove it all the way to LA, because I heard that Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp were filming a Pirates Of The Caribbean film there and my dad refused to take me!" Amara said, trying her best not to break down laughing.

"So you went by yourself? Unbelievable!" Peter said also laughing.

"But wait! That's not even the best bit. Before I stole the car, I left..." Amara couldn't contain herself and started laughing uncontrollably. "I left a fake ransom note! From a fake kidnapper! Demanding that my dad gives a thousand dollars or I'll never return!"

"Oh my god?! You faked a kidnapping?! Isn't that a crime?!"

"I mean, my dad didn't believe it, of course. I mean, I tried to make the note really believable, but then I just ended up completely barfing a thesaurus out all over the page. He gave me ten dollars when I came back and told me that I left off two zeros from my desired ransom amount. He literally said to me, 'Rookie mistake!' And then he asked me where I went." Amara thought back to the time, he had actually not believed her, simply because he knew she could handle her own against a normal kidnapping, and only a normal kidnapper would sent a note demanding ransom. That and, nobody knows she's Tony Stark's daughter, Amara forgot about that little detail when making her master plan.

"Did you tell him?"

"Of course, not! I told him I went to my aunt's house and stayed there for dinner. My aunt's pretty cool, so she just went along with it. But he still grounded me for 2 months. And then it was over! But, to this day, my dad still doesn't why I truly stole the car and where I went," Amanda finished her story, laughing once again, and Peter joined her.

"Wait, did you, at least see Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp?" Peter asked.

Amara sighed, "No, but I did see Lana Del Rey and that made up for everything."

"Was she nice?"

"I am not being over dramatic when I say she is literally the nicest person I've ever met... except for Captain America, maybe."

"You've met Captain America?! When?!"

"Uh...my dad works at Stark Industries, he's near the top. And he sometimes meets the Avengers. I came to his work once in the evening and he was in a meeting with Steve and Tony. We started a conversation and he now knows me as the girl with the same last name as him."

Babysitting a Superhero (Stark's daughter X Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now