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"9:45am. No fucking way i slept that late." Bryan picked up his phone off the nightstand and made his way to the pile of clothes he'd rather accumulate than put them away like Alex did. The entire house was awake, and he could smell bacon. Johnnie was hard at work in the kitchen as per usual, which meant he needed to get in there before all the piglets got to everything. "RISE AND SHINE MOTHERFUCKERS! We leave at 1pm sharp, so everybody check and make sure everything you need is packed and ready to roll!" Bryan was notorious for being "house dad", which meant keeping all the little ducklings- or in Jeydon's case, whales- in check and ready for big trips like this. "speak of the devil," Bryan thought as Jeydon walked out of the bathroom, no doubt to find air freshener. "Uh, do you know where the-" "Top of the fridge, and just leave it under the sink please. How do you produce so much toxic waste? You're so tiny!" "Look, food is good but not all food TREATS me good." Jeydon walked past Bryan and Bryan followed to the kitchen, eager to make his plate. "Bryan, bacon's there, pancakes on the plate by the stove, eggs are ready in like a minute." "Johnnie, feeding us good as always." "And so cute while doing it," Alex said as she made goo-goo eyes at Johnnie. "disgusting, yet cute. she'd turn into an emoji if she could." "Drake, finally showing your face to the world?" Bryan noticed Drake emerging from his cave of a bedroom, even though he looked like he had been awake for hours. "No, been up since roughly 7, just editing and making a reaction video with Johnnie earlier." Bryan nodded, continued to make his breakfast, and sat down at the couch to devour it.

"Guys, get on the damn bus! We leave in 15 minutes and if you or your shit isnt loaded, its staying here!" Bryan never made light of being on time. there was no room for error, the had to be in Texas in two days to kick off the tour, and if they missed it, they missed everything.
"Johnnie, you need help?" Jeydon was yelling WAY too loud. Drake and Alex were already on the bus, Kyle and Jordan were already in Texas, Shannon was, as per usual, the queen of the "five minute pack-up" and was still upstairs.
That was the only word to describe everything happening right now, but at 1:15, everyone was on, everything was loaded, and wheels were turning. Warped Tour was 2 days away, and their first stop was Dallas.
"Adventure awaits."

MDE's TourHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin