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Few years later..

Their was devastated moment happen in soti pariwar (resident)..
whereas in ravidhan family Arun was making his son like him cold hearted never care about anyone ..

soti resident.
Kritika was 4 years old. The life was going smooth parents were blessed by having Kritika. they bear her tantrums her innocence her madness everything. But as you know these things can only be done by parents. the reet (culture) of society specially old people's thinking is totally different. her dad always feel low and doesn't love Kritika only because she is a girl and she started hated sunita to as she given birth to girl child . like what.

Kritika dadi never aye with her never give her the love of grandparents. as childhood those have grandparents they always need the love of them.

her dadi always make them feel low by saying bad things about her . in these things her dad (Saurabh) was very tensed about something but because of him no one else get tense he never talked about his problem.. He not even shown that what condition he is going through.

Recently he was resign from job and the job people was telling him that he has done some kinda fraud with them . this was the condition in which he was very tense because the job people was saying him to give them thier 20 lakhs. secondly he was tense about that how he will take care of his family.

Her mom (Kritika dadi) when she taunts them and say this to him that (betiyon ke kharche uthana aam baat hai kya) he was more tense .
Food for his family,clothes and other expenses which he wanted to provide his family he is not able to .

The taunt hits him hard he started overthinking about everything the fraud no job...the job people given him the time of 2 weeks otherwise they will take his shop from the shop value is in 20 lakhs only.

Sunita was to tense about his nature . She notice everything how he is eating how he wants to be alone he was not going outside not giving that much time to maa- beti (mom - daughter) .

one day she asked him that what happen is thier any problem? but he not replied and said just my friend is tensed so I am to..

Things were more bad when his overthinking was increasing day by day . he was now totally bad stage of introvert .

one day sunita has made up her mind that she will ask him everything. and that day Saurabh told her everything. She gets very angry and sad at the same time that how he is Taking everything alone and not telling anyone. He to cried all night in her lap. And she was saying him sweet things like it's okay as you will make us live we will live happily we just wanna be with you and the money they are asking you are innocent and true the winner is always a true person. you don't worry about anything please.

one day he was more feeling ungrateful as his family was eating food because the monet of his younger brother living with his money this thing make him sad .
And he was feeling shame of that thing that older brother should work and here his younger brother is helping him.

one night where lives was just gone upside down as his depression was on high feet. That night the family was gone in the function whereas Saurabh just make some type of bahana that he is not feeling well and he needs rest .

The function get finished and everyone travel back to the home Kritika was sleeping peacefully in the arms of her mother .
They unlocked the door as they didn't disturb him he was taking rest .

When sunita gone to thier room she got the biggest surprise which she never wanted she saw the lifeless body of his husband was hanging in front of her eyes. she was not in her senses when she was just drooping Kritika from her arms at that time her chacha hold her.

Sunita scream in pain 'saurabh'.
she gone thier and cut the rope.the whole family gather thier everyone was shocked and saying something something. whereas sunita was just holding him and crying in pain .
He was declared death.

That day snatch everything from his family. someone father ,husband,son, brother died In devastated way .unacceptable thing happen with them .

At ravidhan residence.

Pa of Arun came with SAd news that his one and only best friend died .
Arun and Saurabh was best friends they were like brothers.
But because of Arun work his all attention was with his work and he was not able to meet more with Saurabh but with hearts they were always connected.
He gets the news that his best friend came brother die in unacceptable situation and in younger age was a shocking news for him. The topic was some kinda serious. He was shattered with the news as he loves him Like nothing. He not show emotions but he has little bit.
Saurabh means very much to him.

At funeral..
Everyone was gather thier to say goodbye forever ... his family,relatives,neighbors, friends.
Arun was to thier sunita was not in that much senses that she meet everyone. Kritika was too small to understand everything so she was just playing with small kids in house but sunita insist everyone thar she will also go in ground as her father loves her very much.

The rituals of funeral was done by Kritika chachu...
Sunita last time gone in front of his body holding Kritika in arms..

'saurabh please how can you leave both of us so soon don't you love us .. if you wanna go you should take me to with you why saurabh why..
you should have think of Kritika see how small she is no one is here for us saurabh..'

'mumma papa so rhe hai papa uthh jaoo maa lo rhi hai '
This taken everyone heart when Kritika said in her baby voice.

This day will be always remember for them.

Thank you this is only for today ...
the time was long as my exams were on plus I was demotivated with the results you guys giving not liking,following amd most important commenting your views please do that ...

meet you next bye.

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