he kept walking, smiling to himself and wondering how someone was so in love with him.

2 nights ago...

yeji creeped into chenle's room, "honey i'm cold, come and cudd-"


there was no sign of chenle.

she noticed the window open, wind blowing into the room and making it even colder than her own.

pulling her cardigan further over her, she walked over to the open window, and was met with the sight of chenle running across the grass behind the castle, heading for the forest.

"you son of a bitch."

he disappeared into them simultaneously to yeji disappearing into her room, deep in thought.

"i need to figure out what the fuck he's doing in there."

she huffed and puffed, formulating a plan, and sped to the main hall.

"oh little chenle, you're not going to get away from this."

last night...

yeji didn't tell his parents about this.

however, she returned to her own kingdom to carry out her plan.


"you got that?"

"yes miss, camp at the back of the castle, follow him when he escapes and record what he is up to."

"correct. if you fail, we know where everyone lives in this place."

he went pale.


the spy stumbled away, jumping on a horse and riding off into the distance.


the spy waited, and waited, and waited.


looking up, he saw the prince skipping towards the forest.

keeping as quiet as possible, he used the hill to his advantage, keeping low down yet still keeping chenle in his sights.

the prince entered the trees, and the spy entered behind him.


oh no.

he took a deep breath and stepped forward.


the consistent rustles of leaves stopped infront of him and he heard a faint ' don't scare me like that, rabbit! '

this wasn't going to work out.

instead, he stood his ground and used his hearing, paying attention to the direction of the sound.

and it stopped.

he didn't know if it was because chenle had got to his destination or he was just too far away, but he cautiously walked forward, heading towards where the sound last was.


long story short, the man had no idea where he was going.

he had been wondering around the forest for what seemed like hours, trying to find some trace of where chenle went.

it's like he just disappeared.

giving up, the spy sat down on a log, sobbing.

he failed his mission.

he failed his family.

staying there for a while, he contemplated ever going back to the kingdom, or just sitting there for eternity.

'renjun did a good job, didn't he?'

a faint voice in the distance.

shooting up, the spy creeped over to the sound, using their talking as an advantage to cover up his rustling.

he got to within sight distance, and saw chenle with a man he was not informed of, and chenle covered with hickeys.

he saw them hug, and immediately took his hands out his gloves, exposing engravings in his hands.

this spy was not an ordinary spy.

he said a few words before a holographic image bloomed from his palm, recording everything chenle and this mystery man was doing from his perspective.

"of course. unless she pisses me off."

yeji would love to feel that one.

they kissed.

yeji would love to see that one.

"goodbye, my prince."

yeji would love to hear that one.

the spy watched as the two parted, and stopped the recording.

chenle was coming his way.

he had to run.

not minding the harsh rustle it made, he ran away, towards a random direction.

and chenle was oblivious to it all.

(an. sorry not sorry!

it's been 2 weeks since i wrote the last chap 😭



rie solo is coming out TOMORROW and i NEED IT NOW.


forbidden - chenjiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon