(*Java starts shooting them with it*)

Java: and now it's time for another aftershock!

(*Java presses a button and the ground shakes even more*)

(*the hailstorm gun runs out of ammo*)

Java: fuck, sun, start throwing again!

(*sun starts throwing random stuff at the contestants*)

Sun: ah, my unpublished life book, it doesn't matter to me anymore, I've lived for a lot of years, so guess it's time to throw it away!

(*carol climbs up and sun throws it*)

Sky: carol, watch out!

Carol: huh?

(*the unpublished life book hits carol in the jaw knocking her down*)

Sun: oh my god.

Sky: oh my gosh, Carol, are you ok!?

(*carol opens her mouth to reveal that her jaw broke*)

Sky: oh god...

Java: ok, stop the challenge!

(*Java presses a button to stop the shaking and everyone runs to carol*)

Sky: is Carol gonna be ok?

Java: well, with the injury shes dealing with, she will have to be medically evacuated from the game, and originally this challenge was gonna be a elimination challenge after this part but since carols jaw is broken, she will take the eliminated spot.

Sky: don't worry Carol, it's ok, I'll call for help!

(*after Sky made the call*)

Sky: ok carol, they'll be here soon.

Carol: Sky...

Sky: yeah?

Carol: please...call witty...

Sky: ok.

(*Sky calls Whitty*)

(*a few minutes later*)

(*a limo pulls up and Whitty runs out*)

(*a limo pulls up and Whitty runs out*)

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Whitty: oh my gosh, Carol, are you ok!

Lego: she isnt man, her jaw is broken by sun.

Sun: I didn't expect my unpublished life book to break somebody's jaw!

Java: well, we will need to end this episode early, but before we go, Carol, do you want somebody to replace you for your team?

Carol: yea...

Java: ok, whitty, you wanna choose for her?

Whitty: sure, what are the options.

Java: well, the options are huggy wuggy, robo engineer, mommy long legs, bob, hex, and dorkly sonic.

Whitty: well, I would choose hex but I kinda think he will be lazy like he was in the tennis challenge from last season, so bob I guess.

Java: ok, Bob comes back into the game.

(*the ambulance arrives*)

(*doctors exit out*)

Doctor #1: were here, wheres the injured person!

Sky: she's over here.

(*Sky points to carol and the doctor grabs carol and puts her on the stretcher*)

Whitty: wait, is it fine if I could come with you guys?

Doctor #2: sure.

(*the doctors and Whitty get into the ambulance truck and the ambulance truck drives off*)

Java: well, since carol is gone, Bob will comeback and that will bring us to our final sixteen once again, find out who loses and who gets out tomorrow on.........FUNKIN.......BATTLE!!!

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