Me, My Boyfriend, and Our 12 Children

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Never did Daichi think he would ever be in this sort of predicament. He should have expected these sorts of unusual things, considering his different array of colorful teammates, but he figured that this was a little too far.

And all because he doesn't sleep well by himself.

If there was one thing not many people knew about Daichi, it was that the strong-willed captain of the Karasuno volleyball team was a frequent victim of nightmares.

Ever since he was little, he found himself refusing to sleep in fears of the dark corners of his mind taking over his dreams. So much so, that he had to take medicine for it every now and then, just to assure that he at least got some sleep.

So when he found out that training camps sometimes involved sleeping over, he was a bit nervous about it at first. He tried to avoid those few first practices, having successfully done so the first two years at Karasuno since the team never had those kinds of practices. However, he wasn't exactly able to do that in his third year. Being team captain and all.

Despite not wanting to go to the overnight training camps merely on the idea of freaking out the underclassmen with his nightmares, Daichi swallowed down his pride and went to the training camps.

They weren't bad at first, as he had informed Coach Ukai and Takeda-Sensei beforehand of his condition. They expressed their patently worry towards him after hearing about it, asking if there was something they could do to help, if he was okay, things like that. He assured them that he would be fine and would just need his pills.

Pills and Suga.

Suga, bless him, was already aware of Daichi's condition (he would be a bad boyfriend if he didn't know, right?). He made sure he slept right next to him at every overnight training camp, just to reassure Daichi that things were alright. Daichi loved him for that. Having him near made everything a whole lot better.

After making sure everyone was accounted for, the two of them would lie down and quietly chat for a bit. Whatever they were talking about, volleyball, school, life, Suga would always, always, reach out and run his fingers up and down Daichi's arm. Suga told himself he did it to put Daichi in a sleepy trance, help him drift off to sleep better by reassuring him and comforting him with the small physical touch. But honestly, and who could blame him, deep down Suga knew he just liked to touch Daichi's muscular arms.

So, in the end, it worked out for the both of them. Daichi would peacefully fall asleep and Suga would get to feel Daichi's arms. It was a win win.

Suga helped so much with his sleep problems, that overnight training camps started to become Daichi's favorite thing. He would get enough sleep during the night and got to spend all day with his teammates and Suga. However, there was a limit to how much time one could spend around all those knuckleheads, so Daichi was forever grateful when Ukai and Takeda said he and Suga were allowed to take the extra room after an incident where Daichi ended up scaring Hinata during a night terror when Suga had to go home early last training camp. That way, if something happened, Daichi wouldn't have to explain things in front of everyone. That and he was a little stressed over practices and getting better as a team, so the coaches thought it would be best if Daichi got some time to himself. With Suga present, of course.

At least, that had been the intention.

So, why was it that Daichi was laying in bed with Suga and the rest of his teammates?

He's not one to place blame, but it was all Suga's fault.

At first, things had started out the way they always had. The only difference was the room to themselves and the big tatami mat they were sharing (Suga had kicked the blankets aside because he was too hot, but it didn't stop him from cuddling against Daichi). They talked like always, about how practice went, how they could improve, how proud they were of the team, and if they could convince Coach Ukai to take them all out for dinner on the way back to the school once they leave. Suga's comforting fingers ran up and down Daichi's arms, his voice calm and soothing as he talked. Everything was just as it had always been, nothing too different. It wasn't till well after Daichi drifted off to sleep that things started to change up a bit and the large tatami mat they shared got a little more crowded.

Ah Yes. Me. My Boyfriend. And the Twelve Kids He Adopted.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें