Chapter 2

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Leaf is carrying her books to class.

"This place is suspect," Kat says.

Three girls, wearing school uniforms, leave another classroom. Natalie, a pale girl with dirty blonde hair and green eyes, bumps into Leaf causing her to drop her books. Maxine, a girl with brown skin, brown hair, and brown eyes, giggles.

"Do you need any help?" Leaf asks as she is picking up her books. Leaf says, "You seem unbalanced."

"You're not very smart, are you?" Maxine asks mockingly.

Natalie giggles and Betsy, a cow girl, wearing a school uniform, smiles.

"I'm told that I'm very naïve," Leaf says.

Natalie says, "It's cute, in a pathetic way."

"Cute? Pathetic?" Leaf asks.

Natalie says, "Yeah."

Natalie pets Leaf condescendingly. Leaf blushes. Kat makes jealous hissing.

Natalie steps back a bit after being startled but regains her composure.

Natalie teases, "I think someone likes being pet~"

Kat is growling lowly.

Leaf says, "I'm sorry, Kat gets jealous easily."

"I find his jealousy cute," Natalie responds.

Kat says, "She's mine, and only mine!"

Natalie says, "Okay! Okay! I was only teasing."

Leaf says, "I'm so sorry, he gets murderous when he's possessive."

Natalie teases, "I'll leave. But maybe we can meet without him if you want to be pet again."

Natalie winks at Leaf, before leading Maxine and Betsy away. Leaf's jaw is hanging open. The sound of schoolgirls giggling to themselves is heard throughout the magical college. Kat makes angry cat noises. This only makes the giggling louder as some girls smirk while walking past Leaf.

Leaf says to Kat, "I think they were flirting with me."

The schoolgirls go back about their day like usual.

Leaf gets up and goes to class.

Ms. Chambers says, "Leaf, you are almost late!"

Natalie, Maxine, and Betsy are also in Ms. Chambers' class. The three schoolgirls are seated in the back. Leaf takes a seat. The schoolgirls half pay attention to Ms. Chambers' lecture. Leaf is very paying attention to the class.

"Leaf, why don't you come up to the front of the class?" Ms. Chamber akss.

Leaf goes up to the front of the class.

"Close your eyes," Ms. Chamber says as she holds up a knife.

Kat grabs the knife and threatens to stab her.

Ms. Chambers is scared and says, "L-Leaf sit down. We're done."

Leaf sits back in her seat. The three schoolgirls scoot their seats a bit further away from Leaf in fear. Kat tosses the knife back. The three schoolgirls keep their eyes down and pretend to be doing their classwork.

"Everyone seems afraid of me," Leaf says.

Kat says, "No, they are afraid of me because I'm an Eldritch Horror."

After a while of pretending to do classwork with Leaf or Kat not threatening anyone, Natalie scoots back closer to Leaf. Ms. Chambers hands out homework to everyone. The schoolgirls groan. Leaf is working on her homework.

Maxine and Betsy put away their homework for later.

Natalie points to an equation and whispers, "Hey, Leaf, can you help me with this part?"

Leaf helps but doesn't solve it for her. Natalie manages to solve the problem.

Natalie says, "Thanks, I can do the rest at home."

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