Ch.11: What the Future Held

Comenzar desde el principio

"You remember Sua, right?"

"You mean the demon you had a crush on all those years ago that just ran past me? I'm curious, why didn't you ask her out then? You thought she was human just like you at the time."

"I needed to help myself before I put myself out there again. I didn't want to make the same mistake I did with that one relationship before I met you. I wasn't able to fully trust anyone until I met my guardian angel." She gave her a kiss before leaning her head on Yoohyeon's shoulders. "I'm glad Sua found hers."

"Yeah, she looks really happy. Her aura completely changed color in the time since I first seen her. It's like she's a completely different person now."

Jiu's eyes widened in surprise. "You don't think-"

"I'm pretty sure I know. I guess I do have something in common with her after all. This date's gonna be really interesting. C'mon, let's go. We have our own date to go on."


"Where are we going, Singie?"

"I told you. It's a surprise. You want me to spoil it already?"

"No. I just have no idea what it could be. Can I have a hint?"

"We're almost there anyways. Just keep the blindfold on."

After a few more minutes of walking, they stopped. All Sua could hear was running water. Where was Siyeon taking her? "Ok. Now you can the blindfold off."

Once the fabric was removed, Sua's eyes were met with a gorgeously sculpted fountain. With multiple spouts of water shooting within it. Among the grey of the stone was a spot of color in the form of pink flower petals floating in the water. The lights shining down on the fountain during in the night sky gave it a fittingly angelic glow among the rest of its surroundings.

"Do you like it?"

"Of course, this place is beautiful. Where did you find it?" Sua smiled in amazement.

"It took a lot of searching and a lot of traveling. I wanted to find the perfect place place to do this, so are you ready to go?"

"What do you mean?"

"We're going to the Angel Realm. You get to meet my friends and you get to see how I lived."

"I'm a little nervous. Don't angels hate people like me? What about your friends? Do you think they'll like me?"

"Of course, they will. They're my best friends. If I like you, they will too. Besides, they aren't the snooty, stick-up-the-ass angels I usually deal with. You'll be fine. I promise you. If anything, they'd be too focused on the fact I did all this without telling them. As for the other angels, I won't hesitate to fight back if they do something to you. You'll be completely safe."

"Ok." Sua's voice shook a little bit as only a bit of her nerves was alleviated.

This did not go by Siyeon unnoticed. She intertwined her fingers with Sua's before giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. She looked into Sua's eyes as she said, "If at any point you feel uncomfortable, just give me a sign and we'll leave right away." She gave her a loving smile.

Knowing that she'll be safe with Siyeon no matter what, she smiled the same way back. "Thank you." She took a deep breath in and out for a couple of moments. "Alright, I'm ready."

"Do remember how to do it?"

"You just picture the place and flip the coin, right?"

"Do you need a reminder just in case?"

"I mean, I memorized the place in case we ever did so this, but it wouldn't hurt to recheck." Overtime, Siyeon showed her bits of her home through her mirror. At first, Siyeon didn't think it would work with her realm. It wasn't like she needed it for that purpose anyways, but when she figured it out, it was a great tool for Sua to learn about the realm. Sua just wished she could see it in person and now she has that chance.

After Sua got it down, she looked back at Siyeon and squeezed her hand before getting the coin ready. Siyeon pulled out hers as well and at the count of three, they both flipped their coins and vanished from sight.

Author's Note:

Sorry it's been so long for this story. I've had what felt like the busiest month of my life. Not only that, but I just wasn't feeling it for a while. I tried to write this during my time away from both my stories, but it felt like a slog each time. I couldn't keep doing that to myself, so I stepped away for a while. Fortunately, since you're reading this, I was able to get this going again without feeling like that anymore. So, things are fine now.

After this long wait, I hope you enjoyed this story. I meant to end this way sooner (especially since I planned on finishing this one before my other story).  I hope you stick around for other things I plan whether if it comes back to this universe or not.

Fun Fact: I've done so much world building for this universe that I ended up not bringing up in the story. There was even another kind of creature I was going to introduce at some point, but that would make this story way more convoluted and way darker than I planned for it to be. I might save this for a possible sequel, but for now that isn't really planned.

Thank you for reading and I'll see ya in the next story!

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