Ch. 9: Time to Take A Chance

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Just like she had promised, Sua never left her side. Day by day passed and she would hope that each morning when she woke up, Siyeon would be there smiling back at her. Luckily magical beings aren't dependent on human food, so that wasn't the problem. It's that Sua was worried that she would never wake up again. She hated thinking about that, but that thought crept into her mind a bit more each day that passes. She wanted to see her and Handong bicker again. She wanted to see how happy she was when she helped those in need. She just wanted to see her smile again. Something so simple like that seemed like it was getting further and further from reach.

This night wasn't any different. Like all the other times, she'd stay awake as long as she could before she couldn't keep her eyes anymore. She needs to be there when Siyeon wakes up....if she wakes up. That was always her last thought before sleep calls for her.




"Sua." A hoarse voice was heard that immediately shoots Sua awake. It can't be. With tears seemeingly to well up in her eyes, she turned over to see Siyeon looking at her. She wasn't hearing things. She was actually awake. Sua pinched herself to make sure she was too, but it was all real. From the looks of it, it seemed like Siyeon hasn't been awake for long as she kept blinking slowly while also trying to get used to the light. After taking the moment in, Sua noticed the guilt on Siyeon's face. "I'm sorry." Her voice was slowly getting better, but it still sounded rough.

"There's no need to."

"You're not mad that I broke the promise?"

"You didn't break any. We both made it through alive. That's all that matters."

"But I passed out again. I must've made you so worried."

"Not gonna lie, you did. I've spent every day since you were out here with you. I didn't want you to be alone whether you woke up or didn't. Who else was gonna be the one who watches over the guardian angel if they couldn't have one of their own?"

After hearing that, Siyeon pulled her into a hug before pulling back quickly. "Oh, sorry! Are you ok? Are you feeling any leftover pain?"

"No. Thankfully the pain went away right after the process was done. I was about to ask you the same. I saw how much it takes out of you. Are you sure you're ok?"

"I think so. I just need a tiny bit more time to recover. Don't worry, I'll be back to normal soon. How long was I out? How long were you out?"

"For me, maybe a couple days, but for you, it's been about a week. It was similar to last time. Speaking of last time, I also had Handong's help. So thank her for helping you recover like you did."

"Handong. She's probably pissed at me, isn't she?"

"I couldn't tell over the phone, but I'm sure your safety was at the forefront of her mind. I doubt that she's mad at you. In fact, I think she'll be delighted to hear from you again."

"If that is the case. I doubt that I'll be able to live this down for a while." Siyeon giggled before changing the subject to something that peaked her curiousity. "Did you test it out yet?"

"Test what? I mean, I think it worked. I don't have the attraction pings anymore. I just don't know what you want me to test."

"Your wings." Siyeon looked around the room to see that Sua didn't take down the curtains since that day. She then took Sua to the full-length mirror on the closet door of her bedroom. "Close your eyes." Sua did as she asked. "Now I want you to focus on your back. Focus on the spots wehre the wings would spread out from. Picture as much energy as you can into constructing those wings. It might take a bit of time since you're new, but soon they'll spread out." Sua had to use a lot of concentration, but after a few minutes, she started to feel some warmth on her back. "You can open your eyes now."

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