Chapter I

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"Take your stuff and go"


"You heard me"

"But dad!"

"I don't wanna hear it! Now pack your things cause you're leaving this house."

"This isn't fair!"

"You're 18! I don't need you in the house anymore. Now get"


*knock knock*

"Hello? Oh! hey y/n! Haven't seen you in a bit"

"Hey Jake...Um, I was wondering...can I stay at your place for a bit?"


"I've got another room, that I would usually use for guests so in the mean time, you can stay in here." Jake said with a smile.


"Of course, anything for a friend" Jake beamed.

Jake was a friend you had met in your first year of middle school. You two instantly clicked and became best friends. You two were so dorky that you even got those little best friend bracelet thingys.

Jake was a little chubby, and had a little body hair, his skin was a nice brown and his hair was an orange-brown. His eyes were brown and right now he was currently wearing a white hoodie with a wolf design on it.
Yea he was one of those kids.
For his pants he was wearing some flannel pj pants.

"I'll go get a mattress and some blankets, there's pillows in the closet" Jake said before leaving the room.

You replied.
You set your stuff down next to the door and looked around. It had been a bit since you'd been to Jakes house. Whenever your parents fought you'd go to Jakes house.

He'd comfort you, make you feel better. He was always there for you. Kinda like a big brother. Once you were at school and you were being bullied, Jake did not let that slide. he walked right up to the bully and began beating him up.

At first you were scared because you hate seeing people fight and you didn't want Jake to get in trouble. But later you thanked him.

'Wonder what he's been up to since I've been away' you thought to yourself curiously.

"I'm back" Jake said entering the room with a mattress. "A little help please" Jake said with a nervous laugh. "Sure thing" you smiled.

You helped Jake set up the mattress along with the blankets and pillows. "And done" Jake said with pride.

"Thanks, Jake it was very kind of you to do this."

"Sure thing. Oh and another thing, you won't have to worry about my parents, I'll explain everything to them. Besides they love you."

"I know" you playfully rolled your eyes. Jakes parents had always loved you and they were so kind. They treated you as if you were their own child despite having Jake.

Every now and then Jakes parents would joke that you and Jake were secretly twins.
You'd always laugh about it, and sometimes you wished it was true.

"So in the mean time is there anything you wanna do?"

"For now I think I'm just gonna get settled in my room."

"Alright, I'll be in my room if you need anything."

"Okay" you said giving a thumbs up. With that Jake left to his room.

You unpacked some of your things such as a charger, a stuffed animal you held dearly to you, and something that always helped you sleep. A little lamp. This lamp was special.

The reason being, it had star shaped holes on the lampshade
Your mom had made it a few years before she left your dad.
She gave it to you as a goodbye gift. The reason she left wasn't a very pleasant memory for you.

You were at least 9 when she left. Your parents were arguing about something, it sounded along the lines of your dad not loving her anymore. there was no more happiness and joy.

eventually things got a little out of control and your father slapped your mother.
after a week, your mother left.

you begged her to stay but she said that she couldn't be with your father. She gave you the lamp, a tight hug and a kiss along with sorrowful goodbye and she left.

Your father still tried to build a relationship with you but you didn't want anything to do with him. You told yourself that it was his fault that mom had left.

So in return he paid no attention to you. Of course he still did the most basic of tasks that needed to be done to take care of a child. Such as cooking, paying for school, buying clothes all things like that.

But the part of him that was supposed to be a loving father was gone once your mom left.
It's one of the reasons you loved Jakes parents. Because they made you feel like you belong, they felt like family to you.

You never found out where your mom went. And you never saw her again, this made you feel angry. You hated your mom much more than your dad. How could she just leave you like that?

She could've at least taken you with her or SOMETHING. But instead she left you and your dad.

You realized quickly that you had tears rolling down your face. You sniffled and wiped away the tears trying not to think of the horrible memories.

You grabbed your pajamas for the night, heading to the bathroom. Along with the essentials. After getting dressed and brushing your teeth you headed back to your room.

You grabbed your stuffed animal which was a cat who you had named mr whiskers.
You named him this due to him have long whiskers.

You turned out the light plugging in the lamp, it immediately illuminated the room with colorful stars of different sizes.

You felt joy rush through you.
You felt better. You plugged your phone in and left mr Whiskers on the mattress.

You went to Jakes
Room. "Hey, Jake"
You said calling out to him.
He was on his phone, and then he looked up at you.


"I just wanted to say goodnight." You said shyly.
Jake walked up to you and gave you a big hug.

"Night y/n" you hugged Jake back, feeling his warm embrace. "Goodnight" you replied. You left for your room and closed the door.

You laid back in bed, Finally ready to get some sleep. The sound of the rain outside the window made things better.
The rain was soothing and eventually you drifted off to sleep.


Hello my lovelies ♡ miss me? No? Okay then. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. Because this is just the beginning of the story.
I'll see you in the next chapter.

-Glass ♡

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