Chapter IV

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No one's pov:

You walked over to the main area and saw the stage. You saw Freddy and the gang and decided to take a closer look.

"Wow they look different from before." You said to yourself.
You stepped closer to the stage to see the animatronics.

"Wow they did a good job in making you guys." You reached out to touch Freddy's stomach and when you did if felt kinda like plastic but still metal-like and somehow softy and squishy all at the same time.

'Weird' you thought to yourself.
"Hah, what if you guys were alive? Now that would be something." You said, voicing your thoughts.

You walked away heading to Prize Corner. There, you saw a big blue box with purple stripes, like a present.

While in the area you heard music from it. "That's not creepy at all" you said to yourself sarcastically.

You yawned and went back to your office. 'This is kinda boring' you thought.
To cure your boredom you decided to play music.

You went to Spotify and started playing a song. You sang along and enjoyed yourself and then it went to the next song and you snag along to it too and so on.

Toy Freddy pov:
'What's that sound?'
Questioned Freddy.
Freddy opened his eyes and blinked for a few seconds.

'Is that music?' Freddy got down from the stage. 'ohh! Maybe there's some people here!' thought Freddy.

He began walking toward your office. And while getting closer he could here you singing.

'Wow, wonder whose singing'
Freddy got closer and closer until he saw you, then he stood in the darkness of the hallway.

You continued singing and enjoying the music. And while this was happening Freddy was listening and staring.

'Wow there really pretty.'
Thought Freddy. Eventually the song ended which meant so did the singing.

None one's pov:

You began looking for another song when You heard the sound of clapping and cheering.

"Whoo hoo! That was awesome!" You imminently jumped feeling startled and embarrassed. You looked up and saw blue glowing eyes.

"W-who's there?!" You shouted.
"Oh sorry." You heard the voice say. Then the figure walked into your office, lighting them and you saw that it was Freddy.

"Wa- Freddy?"

"Hi! You sing really good, are you the new security guard?"

You respond awkwardly.
"Oh cool, we'll incase you didn't know I'm Freddy and you are?"


"Nice to me you y/n" Freddy walked up to you about to shake your hand, but you jerked your hand away in slight fear.

"Oh-sorry am I making you uncomfortable?" Freddy asked sadly, while also backing up.

You felt a little bad and responded with;
"N-no it's just...I didn't really expect you guys to talk."

"Of course we can! We need to be able to commune with our guests." Freddy said smiling.

A small blush came across your face seeing his smile. "Y-you have a pretty smile."
You said impulsively

'Why the fuck did I say that?!'

"O-oh, thank you" Freddy replies his smile getting bigger along with a small blush.

You two stand there for a second before Freddy speaks.

"Can you continue singing?"


"can you keep singing...please, I like hearing you sing."
Freddy says looking to the side.

"W-well, I guess I could."

"You don't have to if you don't want to but, I really like hearing you sing, you have a nice voice."
Freddy said looking down at his feet.

"No it's fine, I'd be okay with singing." You say.

Freddy walks over to you.
You jump a little and he stops again.

"Sorry, right boundaries."
He says facepalming.

"It's fine,  just still not used to you animatronics walking around."
You say trying to reassure him.

You looking through your songs and you picked f/s (favorite song) (also if your song doesn't have lyrics then just use one that has lyrics.)

You play the song and sing along to it. You feel nervousness kick in but every time you look up at Freddy you see him smiling and then looking away when he sees you glancing at him.

Your face flushes a deep pink while still singing.

Eventually the song ends and you hear Freddy clapping.

"Whoo hoo! Thats was great!"
He shouts. You smile and look down.

"Oh, did I make you upset, I'm sorry if I-"

"No, no I'm actually happy, I'm just a little embarrassed." You cut Freddy off.

"Oh, we'll there's no need to be embarrassed, you sing beautifully." Freddy says continuing to smile.

"Man you really know how make someone blush."
You say under your breath.

"What was that? Oh gosh! Are you alright your face looks kinda red, well more pink but still!"

You hadn't realized how hard you were blushing. "D-do I need to call a doctor, is this an emergency?!"

"No, no, I'm fine this is normal. It's what happens when humans are flustered or embarrassed." You say trying to calm Freddy down.

"What does that mean?"
Freddy asks.

"What flustered?"
You question back.

He replies.

"Umm, how do I say this? Oh! When you said that I sing beautifully and I was blushing that was me being flustered."
You tried to explain.

"Is that bad?" Asks Freddy with a worried tone.

"No not at all. Well unless you're embarrassed then maybe but still, it's completely normal."

"Oh, okay so you're not upset with me?"

"Why would I be upset with you?"

"Because I made you embarrassed." Freddy said with a frown.

"Oh Freddy, it wasn't bad embarrassment, it was me being happy, I don't really get compliments about my singing very often, mainly because I usually don't let anyone hear me. I just want expecting a compliment is all."
You said putting your hands on Freddy's cheeks.

"You sure you're not mad?"
"Positive." You said with a firm smile.

You then let out a yawn.
"Sorry Freddy I'm a little tired."
You apologized.

"That's okay, you can lay in my lap if you want." Freddy said, his smile returning. "But I have to leave at 6 and you have to be on the stage." You replied.

Looking at you phone you could see that it was 1:23 AM

"It's okay, I'll set an alarm....done."
You yawned once again.

"You robots sure are something." You said.
Freddy just smiled at this.

Freddy sat against the wall with his legs crossed as you sat in his lap. You adjusted yourself a bit until you were comfortable.

You laid your head against Freddy's chest before yawning and saying. "Goodnight Freddy"

"Goodnight y/n" Freddy replied. And with that you fell asleep.

To be continued...

Hello! I hope you enjoyed chapter 4, I know I did. Man you guys probably have no idea how fun it is to write these chapters and if you do let me know how it feels for you in the comments.

Anyways bye bye now.


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