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"You're seriously out of your mind," spat Kate. "If you seriously think that pop tarts and baked beans go together, you're a lost cause."

"Like you're any better! Who eats peanut butter and oranges together?!"

"It's a good combination!"

Liam sighed, shaking his head- his friends were idiots, which was nondebatable.

Seeing his friends walking down the path to their high school, in an action that he would come to regret, he joined them on their walk- despite being knee-deep in an active argument, which was as per usual, about each other's choice of snacks. Why they were arguing when they both have terrible taste in food? He couldn't say.

But it's practically all they could ever seem to talk about, or at least, whenever he was around anyway. Which is only three-fourths of the time, thank god. Their group chat had thousands of messages with back and forth between the two, arguing about whether or not pop-tarts and baked beans went together, or peanut butter and oranges.

They were both wrong. Completely wrong. But they weren't going to listen to him, because of course they wouldn't. But he'd already learned to tune them about. "Lemmy, c'mon, back me up here! He's wrong, isn't he?!" Of course, she was bringing him into this. "Now I'm not gonna defend you after you called me that."

"Bah! Don't be such a Lil baby, eh, Lemmy? It's a great nickname! I've got no idea in this brain--" She tapped her forehead with her finger. "--why you don't like it!"

"Yeah, Lemmy," grinned Edward, "What's wrong with the nickname, huh?"

Liam scowled at the two, doing a double take to make sure that no one had heard the words of his friends, before replying, deadpanning as he replied "Cause it's terrible..." With an offended look, Kate gasped, placing her head on her chest as she stepped backward. "How dare you insult my perfect nickname!"

"I dare..." Liam huffed.

"Ah! You're no fun, you won't get a girlfriend being like this!" What was she, his mother? He wasn't too far off considering that, at every chance afforded to her, the girl would act as though she was his birth mother, constantly bossing him around, spoon-feeding him meals despite his many protests, etc. He could honestly go on.

Edward snorted, "You say that like he was gonna get a girlfriend to begin wi-" Before he could finish his rude comment, the palm of her hand met with the back of his head, his head flying forward, knocking the taste out of his mouth, as he let out an ear-pricing girlish scream.

Liam stifled his laughter, instead watching the scene unfold in glee, as a monstrous aura consumed the once bright and cheerful girl, her expression souring into more of a scowl as her head hung low, her eyes shielded by her bangs- furthering her menacing look. "Edward Gonzalez...apologize right now..."

"Maybe I should step in..." He pondered the thought for a few more seconds, then shook his head. "Naaahhh he's got it." Liam wanted no trouble with the girl who, despite being incredibly nice and apologetic, could easily beat him and Edward in a fight without using his powers.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Stop hitting me, you demon!" Edward wailed in the background as Kate continued her ruthless assault, despite only barely hitting him and yet still provoking that kind of reaction out of him, with Liam walking past them and simply ignoring the two.

Not only did she have more fighting skills underneath her belt, being a black belt in Karate at the age of 11 years old, but her training was also further continued. It intensified, with her dad being a police officer, and wanting to make sure that his only daughter would be safe and sound, in a world where anyone can do anything. That, and she was taller than him. By more than a few inches.

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