Paige x lesb! Reader

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Chapter name: spark of courage
Requested by singer_things
[sorry if this chapters short🥲]

"Hey Tony, I need help"you say with a hint of nervousness in your voice " what's wrong y/n?" Said Tony "I need help asking Paige out, I really like her and I know she hangs out with you the most so.. do you have any advice?.." Tony stared at you in shock but his face soon turned into a warm smile" Ofc I will help you and I'm really glad you feel that way about Paige because she keeps rambling on about you" your face turned into a tomato and you listened to Tony's advice and mustard up the courage to talk to Paige.

"Hey Paige..can I ask you something" you said as you        played with your hands nervously "what's up?"
"Would you like to go out with me.. like on a date.."
Paige pulled you into a hug and giggled "yes of course I would love to go out with you!"

*then you and Paige got together and went on a date and you too lived happily*

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