Shrignold x reader

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Chapter name:the heavenly bible
Requested by: GummyWurmmz
I'm sorry I've took so long to write this but I hope you injoy it.
*you heard light knocking at your door you get of the couch and walk over to the door and open it*
Shrig: oh hi!hello I'm shrignold, I was wondering if you have a moment-
Y/n:oh I don't do religious stuff
Shrig:it's nothing like that I was wondering if you are having any problems and if you are I'm hosting a group to talk about peoples feelings to make them feel better.
Y/n: you know I would like that
————-at the cult-I mean group meeting————-
*you were sat in a circle on white chairs and there was at least 5 other people there, they looked weird like of putting but you didn't want to seem rude and leave.everyone one by one started talking and a couple crying but when it was your turn you heard a scream you saw one of the people's
throats slit and you fell of you chair backwards in fright as the other people were killed by these weird looking animals you shuffled back you knew you shouldn't of trusted a creepy stranger.
You suddenly hit something, a chest it was soft but you panicked when two arms rapped around you one around your chest and one around your mouth*
Shrig: sorry you had to see this but Malcolm ran out of food..don't worry though you can live because I think your my special one!
*you shouted muffled angrily as you started to pass out in shrignolds soft arms*

Hello! I know this probably wasn't what you were thinking but I was feeling a bit evil tonight, I hope you like it tho:)

Hello! I know this probably wasn't what you were thinking but I was feeling a bit evil tonight, I hope you like it tho:)

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

[look at him I like this little cultist]

I hate shrignold...

I really do....

☆♡DHMIS x reader♡☆Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum