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꒰🌙꒱ؘ *:・゚ MASTERMIND
▬▬ scheming against the ,
( this was all by design. )
galaxies she was to destroy. ▬▬
(you're some mastermind.)
@infantwomanro .......... 2022


background ..... dark
size ........... smallest
font .... trebuchet MS

꒰🌙꒱ SUMMARY ....

HARLOW KINGS has never been one for chess, but she'd play any piece needed for an ending she craved.

Her sunny disposition mixed with a moonlit glow in the girl's eyes leaves her in a place most can't say they've ever been: in a limbo of two things. It's applicable to more than just her looks, it aligns perfectly with every constellation in the sky and coincides with every predicament she's had with her powers.

Harlow Kings was just ten-years-old when a vision of blonde braids floated into her mind, a clear-as-day laugh sprouting from those lips that spiralled some weird little crush on a girl she'd spoken to more times than she'd like to admit in the week she'd been at Camp Half-Blood (before getting booted back to Brooklyn for the school year, that is). From there, it seemed a whole universe spun around that one thought, and soon Harlow was seeing more than just a blonde braid- she saw the world.

A world where Annabeth Chase and Harlow Kings were simply friends- for some reason, that irked her deeply.

In one eye she saw the world of blonde braids meeting black hair, salted with the essence of the sea. In the other, she envisioned long jagged black hair intertwining with the same blonde on blades of grass. In one eye, she saw a future she couldn't change. In the other, she saw a dream she begged to be real.

Harlow Kings had a grand plan, one that would cause her to cry, scream and grieve to get an ending that suited her. Apollonians are the best believers of illusions as Nietzche once said. They'll believe a world they've made up all on their own until it's forced to crash down- shooting to the ground like a fallen star ready to desecrate the hope it hits.

She has the eyes to see the future, and a burning stubbornness as hot as the sun to absolutely change everything about it.

Harlow Kings always knew she loved Annabeth Chase, maybe since the silly crush when she was ten years old, definitely at the tender age of twelve and the hopeless age of fourteen.

Somewhere in her hellish future, Harlow realises they might be inevitable. Somewhere, she thinks: no matter how hard she planned, no matter how hard she tried to push their paths towards each other, it simply didn't work.

Somewhere, she stares up at the stars and has a bout of bitter thoughts.

Percy Jackson may very well be the Andromeda Galaxy, and Annabeth will be his Milky Way Galaxy. They'll hurtle towards each other with an inescapable gravitational pull so strong Harlow will wonder often why she tries.

She is just a lone star in Annabeth's galaxy- the inevitability of her explosion on impact is written in a reality she strives to ignore.

Harlow Kings was a mastermind: a lone star in a sky scheming for a universe that was hurtling towards one she wanted to destroy.

¹𝗠𝗔𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗗 ― Annabeth ChaseWhere stories live. Discover now