3- The Ministry

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Yn turned to him, slowly nodding. "Yeah," she replied. She let a small smile form on her lips. She walked over to him. "And you are?" She asked curiously, quirking a brow. She peered into his violet eyes behind his dark mask.

The ghoul's smile widened. "You're not scared anymore?" He inquired. Yn pretended to think about her answer and tapped on her chin. She then shook her head at him. He chuckled. "I'm Aether," he stated in a sweet tone. "Are you ready for the tour?" He questioned, turning slightly.

Yn nodded and walked over to him. "I guess so. I guess I'll have to know my way around here if I'm going to be staying here." She giggled.

He began leading her down the hallway. "Yeah, I heard about that. I do apologize for you having to give up your old life like that. I'm sure you'll enjoy it here though," he replied. Yn glanced at him.


"Wow, this place is massive," Yn stated, astonished. Aether had taken her all over. There was a massive library, a cafeteria, a garden, a chapel, and many more rooms.

Aether chuckled. "Yea, it surely never gets boring," he replied happily. Yn smiled up at him. "There's always something more to be explored here," he added.

Yn hummed in thought. "So... lets go find something new," she said, laughing as she jogged ahead.

Aether shook his head at her. "You should be getting back to Sister Imperator soon, she had your room prepared," he informed.

Yn giggled. "Oh come on! What's a while longer?" She said in a teasing tone. She turned around and began running down the hall. She laughed at each step further and further away from Aether who called after her. She turned back and stuck her tongue out at him. She suddenly bumped into someone and they fell to the floor. She blinked and saw a figure beneath her.

She gasped as red eyes glared at her from behind a dark mask. She crawled off of the ghoul and scooted away from him. "I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going," she exclaimed apologetically.

The ghoul stood up, not giving up his glare as he stared down at her. "Maybe you should watch where you're going!" He growled, causing Yn to flinch.

"Sodo! Calm down, it was an accident." Aether jogged up to them and helped Yn up. He stared at the heated ghoul. "She didn't mean any harm." He remarked.

Sodo scoffed. "Maybe she shouldn't be so immature in the first place!" He shouted, clenching his fists.

Yn's eyebrows furrowed and she frowned. "Excuse me? I'm being immature? You're getting all worked up over an accident!!" She retorted, getting in the fire ghoul's face.

Both he and Aether stared at her in shock. Sodo grit his teeth. He huffed and turned around, stomping down the hall. Aether walked to stand next to Yn, staring at the direction Sodo left in. "Not many people stand up to him. They're normally too scared." He turned to Yn and she looked up at him, calmed down. "It's nice to see you're not just like everyone else." He smiled. Yn returned the gesture. "Come on, I'll take you back to Sister Imperator," he said, holding his arm out.

Yn grinned and looped their arms. "Thank you kind sir," she replied jokingly. They walked down the corridor for a few more minutes before they returned to Sister's office.

Aether pulled his arm away as the stood in front of the woman's door. He faced her. "I'll see you later, Yn. Good luck with your room," he said, beginning to walk away.

Ya smiled as she watched him. "Bye Aether!" She called out. She then inhaled before knocking on Sister Imperator's office door. There was a quick response and she opened the door. She was met with the sight of Sister shuffling through some books on the far left bookshelf.

The woman looked at the h/c haired girl and motioned her over. "Here, I have some things for you," she stated. Yn walked over and gave her a curious look. Imperator pulled a thick, old book from the shelf and handed it to Yn. "Ghouls" the title read in fancy text. "This will help you with your knowledge of the ghouls. For your duties here at the ministry, you've been tasked with watching over them. So, naturally, you'll need to know about them," she explained.

She then walked over to her desk and took something off of it. She approached Yn again, holding a key out. "This is your room key, and once again, I've called a ghoul to escort you there. You'll be spending a lot of time with them, so try to get along with them as much as possible." She said, leading Yn back towards the door.

The girl stumbled, surprised by all the information given to her. "Uhm, who will be taking me to my room?" She asked in an almost overwhelmed voice. Sister didn't answer and only shook her head. She opened the door and ushered the girl out.

Yn nearly dropped the books as the door closed behind her. She looked around, searching for a ghoul. Nothing. Nada. No one was there. She walked around. "Uh... hello? Is anyone there? I'm ready to be taken to my room~!" She exclaimed, spinning on her heel.

She walked around, searching the nearby halls. There was no one. Not even a noise or any indication someone was there. It was lifeless. Well, that was until Yn felt a hand on her shoulder. She jumped in shock and slowly turned around.


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