003. proposal

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   CHARLOTTE RECEIVED A message from Chad, asking that she meet him in the place their parents got them together— the enchanted lake

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   CHARLOTTE RECEIVED A message from Chad, asking that she meet him in the place their parents got them together— the enchanted lake.

She didn't bother to change her outfit. For Cinderella's sake she didn't even want to marry Chad Charming!

He was the most insufferable person she had ever met. He was self-centered and vain, and thought the world revolved around him.

Besides, it was obvious that he still had feelings for Audrey.

"Hey, Charlotte!" He called out once he saw her walking towards him.

There was a stone floor with pillars surrounding it, and the slightly green lake looked magical.

"Chad." She greeted him nonchalantly.

"You look beautiful." He complimented her, a huge grin on his face.

"As do you." She replied, forcing a smile that matched his.

"Sit." He told her, pointing at the picnic blanket on the stone floor.

She rolled her eyes. She hated picnics.

"Would you like anything to eat?" He asked, searching in the picnic basket to see what his mother had made for them. "We have cucumber sandwiches, cucumber sandwiches... and more cucumber sandwiches."

Charlotte scoffed— he, or his mother, had only packed his favorite food, with no care for her.

She replied. "I'm fine, thanks."

He carefully grabbed her hands to pull her off the ground. She reluctantly allowed him to lift her.

"I've been thinking..." He began, pausing hesitantly.

"And?" She said as calmly as she could muster.

Her heart was racing and her hands shaking. She would not be trapped in a marriage she did not want.

"Charlotte Florian, the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on. I can't imagine not spending the rest of my life with you." He stated in a sickly sweet tone, getting down on one knee. "Will you do me the pleasure of marrying me?"

It was funny how the words rolled off his tongue like he meant them.

"W-what?" She breathed out in disbelief. This was really happening.

"Oh, I almost forgot..." He said stupidly, pulling a gold ring with a comically large sized diamond from his pocket. He let out a nervous laugh. "So, what do you think?"

"I'm sorry Chad. I can't do this." She told him, tears cascading down her cheeks.

Before she could listen to his response, she bolted and didn't look back. She ignored his begs for her to come back.

Was this what freedom felt like?

Was this what freedom felt like?

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