"Wisteria and I will spend a week in California! We can do that without the boys bothering us" Erin suggested.

By the mention of her name, Wisteria perked her head up and looked at her phone. "Am I gonna ride a plane?"

"Yes! We can get the documents done for you and then we can go to California right before Daphne has to go to school. We'd have so much fun getting drunk!" Erin started squealing excitedly "And then someone take nudes of me that I could send George while I'm away so he can suffer"

"What do you have against your own husband?"

"Nothing, it would just be fun to make him hard and separate from a pussy for the first time in 7 years. The last time he was away for more than a day was when we separated after high school and he went back to the UK for a year. We were in college back then so we didn't really care about sex as much as now but this will be so exciting!" Erin practically screams in excitement.

"I feel like the only reason you wanna go is because you wanna make George cry"

"Partly that but mostly because he's been defending Nick saying you shouldn't have broken his heart like that of some shit. It's pissing me off and he isn't listening when I tell him that you had your own reasons" She scoffs, rolling her eyes. "Never thought I'd yelled at him for defending someone who invalidated your feelings"

"Same with Clay too, he's been saying that Nick has his reasons to ghost you, whatever that means, and say it's not Nick's fault you were overwhelmed so why was he the one cut off. Since then, I've been slowly distancing myself because I'm scared he would do it to me if I get overwhelmed"

His friends know damn well Nick was in the wrong based on the defense they were giving their girlfriends. They were trying so hard to defend him. I hope this was the situation where they defend in public but educate in private.

"When you go back, you'll see George and Clay making out or something on the couch" I snorted, looking down to my floor. I had to change the topic knowing I'd end up getting mad at George and Clay too. I don't think I could handle that much anger inside of me. "Wisteria, what would you do if you see your boyfriend kissing George?"

"Is that a bad thing? He's already kissed George in front of me and I've kissed Erin"

"You almost started crying when you kissed me and I've never felt more insulted since"

No clue why, but I did somehow expect Wisteria to start crying when Erin kissed her. Good to know it is confirmed that Wisteria is not attracted to anyone other than Clay.

"Well Clay almost cried when I kissed him for the first time and kept bragging about it to me even though I was the one to kiss him" Wisteria said.

"That's because he's so downbad for you that the thought of kissing you makes him want to kill himself out of happiness, you know?" Erin explained to her "The first time I kissed George was because we were both drunk teenagers who ended up having sex that same night without even being together"

"So basically you guys went to a high school party, got drunk, and fucked?"

"Basically that. He was 14 and I believe I had just turned 16. I'm a year older than him but we were on the same year in school. I was his first everything but he did have many failed talking stages before me" Erin said proudly. "They all messed up because I didn't even need to talk to him to end up marrying him"

"Or he was just too scared to lose the first ever girlfriend he had and ended up falling for you"

"Fuck off Daphne, at least I'm married unlike you" ore l

Little Things जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें