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Jennie kept her guard up as the boat took her further away from camp. No one, especially her father or Aphrodite, should find out that she's on her way to meet Hades. The trip took quite a while since she's navigating the boat on her own but eventually, a familiar cave comes into view. She steps out and she sees Charon.

The ferryman leers at her as she approaches him. "You are not supposed to be here, daughter of Ares." Charon says.

"I need to speak with Master Hades." she says.

"And what for?" Charon asks.

"Madame Persephone sent me." she starts. "I'm sure you remember Lisa, she's in trouble right now and Ares and Aphrodite are also involved in this mess. She says it's best if we get help from him." she explains.

Charon looks at her and Jennie feels like he's staring right into her soul. She showed no signs of nervousness. She has to appear strong and fearless, it's for Lisa's sake.

"Very well." Charon nods. "I'll take you to him."

Upon arriving to the Underworld, Jennie wonders how Lisa felt when she first came. Was she scared of Charon? Was the view terrifying for her? Jennie is used to war and chaos so she wasn't fazed when she first came but the atmosphere still felt heavy for her. But it still amazes Jennie that Lisa is able to make the Underworld her second home.

"This is the furthest I can take you. I wish you luck, daughter of Ares. The whole family is fond of Lisa, they would do anything to help her." Charon says as she steps out. Jennie smiles to herself when Charon addresses Lisa by her name. That only means that even the ferryman is also fond of Lisa as well.

The mansion comes into view and so does the massive dog that is resting just outside. Jennie winces when she recalls how Cerberus nearly attacked her when she first came. She opens the gates and that's when Cerberus catches her attention. The massive dog snarls at her. It stands up and moves closer. Jennie stands her ground since the dog will attack her more if she shows any signs of fear. Cerberus sniffs her and after that, he sits down and allows her to pass.

Jennie doesn't question it anymore since she's in a hurry. She knocks on the door and when she notices that it's unlocked, she steps in. "There are two more hellhounds..." Jennie tells herself as she closes the door.

As if on cue, she hears rapid footsteps and barking. Jennie braces herself when she sees the hellhounds running towards her. Just like Cerberus, the two snarl at her. One of the dogs even pounced on her which caused her to step back and hit her back against the door but right after sniffing her, they didn't attack her anymore.

In fact, the hellhound that pounced on her even licked her cheek and wagged its tail at her.

Jennie hesitantly reaches a hand out to pet the hellhound and surprisingly, it allows her. She smiles to herself. "No wonder Lisa likes you."

"They can smell Lisa's scent on you, that's why they're nicer to you this time around." Jennie sees Hades coming down the staircase.

"Master Hades," Jennie bows down to greet him. "I apologize for the sudden visit but I need to talk to you about Lisa."

Hades nods. "My wife already gave me a heads up about your visit, come to the living room."

The last time Jennie met Hades, the god was incredibly intimidating. He was wearing a suit and he didn't even smile at Jennie, not even once. This time, Hades looks much more approachable and less intimidating, in a good way. Of course Jennie still looks at him as the god of the Underworld but much nicer because of Lisa.

"So, what's the problem and what can I do to help?" Hades asks.

"Lisa is in love with Seulgi."

The god laughs then he realizes that Jennie looks completely serious. "Wait, you're not kidding?"

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