"Dr Shepherd, You've expressed you want to be double board certified why is that?" The interviewer asked Luna.

"Because I don't want to be nailed to just one speciality, I want to be able to save children's lives who may not have had a chance with just a neurosurgeon or with a peds surgeon. The number of children I've seen throughout my residency who have never been told yes by a surgeon as the surgery is too risky or they haven't operated on a child with that bug a tumour. I want to change a child's life and make sure that they can live their life knowing that someone gave them hope" Luna answered, she looked at the interviewer and almost saw a smile come through the deadly serious face.

"What about research? Would you be interested in any clinical trials or treatments?"

"Depends what it was for, but I'm always open to researching and trying new ways of curing diseases, and making sure lives are saved" Derek would be proud of me for that last line.

"Now I have to ask, you've moved around a lot. You've served in the army then you've done a residency in Boston and some time in LA and of course, you are from London. What made Seattle Grace Mercy West the best place to stay?" The interviewer asked it was a question that Luna had never really asked herself but knew deep down the answer.

"I found a home, the surgeries and the surgeons I have learnt from have shaped me into the best surgeon I am today. I am committed to saving lives and at Seattle Grace, they saved mine" Luna answered looking at her hands, it made her nervous and overthink that she might potentially mess up her interview.

"You know you are the first person I've interviewed today that hasn't bashed or spoken badly about their residency program. I knew Ellis Grey, she spoke so very highly of a resident a few years ago. But their name was Nova, that doesn't happen to be you?" The interviewer asked about the pit in her stomach falling. She hadn't heard that name in months and it almost reminded her of how far she had come. She is about to sit her boards and she's interviewing at one of the best hospitals.

"Yes, that was me. Ellis taught me so much, I miss having her as a mentor. But I'm looking forward to learning more and making the best surgeon I can be" Luna said sitting up straight.

"Is your heart set on being a Peds and Neuro Surgeon? Because I think you have the heart and the talent to be a fetal surgeon."

"I hadn't thought about it, there was no fetal surgeon at my hospital" Luna answered.

"Well it would be as busy as Neuro and Peds but it would be more together. Let me know, here's my card. I think you'd be good on this program"

"What if I wanted to be a Neuro and Peds surgeon here?" Luna asked kind of confused about where she stood.

"Then you are still more than welcome in this hospital but I think you'd make a great Peds and Fetal surgeon. It has to come from what you want not what mentors you liked in your residency where your heart is set. But let me know" The interviewer said before standing up and shaking Luna's hand.

Have you ever thought everything was sorted in your life then someone makes you rethink your whole life?

Maybe everything that has happened has prepared me for this moment. Or that this is the plan of the universe?


"Where is Hunt?" Luna asked Cristina, she had just got back from her interview and needed to ask Hunt.

"Um should be in his office, why are you leaving?" Cristina asked taking her eyes off the charts, but all she saw was Luna pegging it down to the lift.

Luna was standing in the lift trying to think of what to say when the doors opened to show the one and only Mark Sloan.

"Luna your back, how did your interview go?" Mark said getting into the lift and seeing Luna standing impatiently.

"Good, a little too good actually" Luna answered looking at her watch.

"Avery is back as well, said it didn't go very well. But he's fine as he's staying here with you right?" Mark asked, knowing that Luna didn't look like she remembered they were both planning on staying.

Jackson, they were going to stay together.

"You know Mark being interested in my life is still very weird," Luna said before getting off at the next floor.

Luna wasn't even looking where she was going anymore she was just running to the chief's office to see if Hunt was there. But what she saw was something more confusing, Jackson talking to Hunt.

Luna stood outside the door waiting to see if she could hear anything then the door suddenly opened.

"Well good luck to you at Tulum, you have made a great decision Avery," Owen said before shaking his hand.

Jackson then turned around to see Luna, he had forgotten about their agreement.

"Luna, how did your interview go?" Owen asked breaking the awkward silence.

"I came to talk to you about it, I have made a decision. One that I know is right" Luna said giving Jackson before walking in and shutting the door.

Maybe Luna and Jackson were too different to be together.

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