Ku Lo Sa - Oxlade | 💃🏾

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"It's Halloween weekend what's your plans?" Rose asked while rolling up as she occasionally looked up at Bri. Silence filled the air before Bri reached under her bed and pulled out an Amazon package that consisted of a costume, lingerie and something for after hours. "Not a damn thing but sleep," Bri said with an attitude evident in her tone which Rose didn't take offense to. She knew that her best-friend was simply missing her sneaky link something bad. "I should've gotten some dick before he left, but then again something told me to dial back." Bri said while reaching for her lighter and one of the many spliffs that they rolled up. The moment the lighter flicked Rose immediately laid out the costume. "You're going out, I would but I have the kids but you're going out tonight." Rose said making sure Bri knew she wasn't taking no as an answer. Reluctantly Bri stood up and groaned while going to get ready for whatever the night had in store. To her surprise her cousin had an event in Yonkers and she was invited. "I blame my hangover and anxiety attacks on you in advance," Bri said while pulling down the sexy maid outfit while gasping as she finally realized her whole fupa was damn near exposed. "Jesus fucking Christ," Bri said in shock while Rose adjusted everything and stood back in shock.

"Girl I'm nervous there's so many people here and oh my damn," Bri exclaimed as she was immediately pulled into a hug by her cousin. Mike was someone who she idolized for many years now, he had his own record label and did real estate. "You drink? If you want you can stay with me and my peoples," Her cousin led her to their little section while she pulled a spliff out to smoke on. The flashing led lights soothed her as she was brought a Incredible Hulk made by her cousin. After the fifth glass and a few hours she was slow whining on one of her cousins homeboys while everyone hyped her up. She spent the rest of the night dancing and occasionally posting up with the gang before she grew tired. "I ordered your Uber, let me know when you get home." Mike said while hugging her tightly before handing her a bottle of water. She made her way downstairs and was greeted by the same man whom she danced with all night. "You're going home too huh?" He questioned while watching her kick off the thigh high boots she wore. It amused him to see the look of relief and how short she actually was without the six inch platforms on. "Yeah, I had my fun im ready for bed and something to settle my stomach." She whispered as she squinted and looked for the Tesla that was supposedly approaching in less than a minute. The moment it arrived they both walked to the car and got in. "Oh it's a shared ride," she mumbled while reaching for her AirPods and popping them in. She didn't have the energy to talk anymore and genuinely wanted to get in her bed as soon as possible. The ride went quick and she couldn't help but think about her boo. She missed his locs dangling in her face, the way he would cup her face in his hand and more importantly how he would snuggle her close to him while she laid her head on his stomach. As much as she didn't want to admit it she missed him even though the feeling wouldn't be mutual. "You're home," the mysterious voice said causing her to jump up and look around to see she had fell asleep with her legs in the man's lap. He helped her out of the car while helping her to the curb. The drunken waddle she was doing made him chuckle as he watched her maneuver to her building. Once inside he got back into the Uber and went on his way. "My bed, I need it and I need food." She kept mumbling as she finally stuck her key in the lock. Like clockwork she was waddling nude into the bathroom throwing up everything she had in her system. Her phone vibrated on the hamper as she cleaned herself up and ran her shower. After a hour she was in bed naked and scrolling through through her photo album. Her eyes landed on two particular videos that made her smile and sigh loudly. Her hand held his face gently in her hands before she gripped his neck causing him to look at her and bite his lip. She hadn't fully paid attention to the video before and it made her realize that she needed him to come back as soon as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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