about the parents

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mother had suffered alot during her childhood with granda being an alcoholic and them being homeless for a bit and also with her mental health. she ran away from home at 16 and went sofa hoping at her mates for 3 months. she never got found but she just came back home instead. she  never got her gcses or alevels. 

on the other hand father is the complete opposite. he came from a wealthy family and lived in a stable living situation. he got his gcses and alevels and then later on went to university.

I haven't a clue when they met but I am near 100% sure that it was less than a year before they found out they were having me. they met through chess club. the same place mother met Paul. 

chess club has always been mothers whole life and she goes with granda and uncle.

they were legally married for 10 years but father filed for a divorce in 2014. 

mother ended up cheating on father with Paul for 4 years of the marriage and Paul cheated on his gf for 10 years of the 20 years they were together. they were really sneaky about it and no one found out until it wasn't considered cheating anymore. except me I knew. I was always told everything. I always know everything which is what makes my life so chaotic.

when father found out about mother cheating he wasn't surprised.

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