Chapter 8: Dom

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This has been excruciating, the last three weeks have been awful. I guess I really didn't realize until after it happened how much I truly missed him, and I know I've treated him like shit. I don't know what to do at this point, I am thinking I should just leave him alone. After he quit showing up during lunch, I think he's on the exact same page. I mean the man is nowhere, the hot tub was moved, the office has been empty, my messages have been going to his assistant about the project. I cannot do this anymore, I feel like I can't do anything right now, I can't even think straight wondering where he is and what he is doing. My guys have mostly been doing the project they have all realized something is going on and are stepping up and Jason actually has them ahead of schedule.

I am with the guys in the restaurant eating I am just staring a hole into what I think is some more crab bisque, the last time we had it was that day and I can only just feel a punch looking at it. More memories rush through my head before I feel a tap on my shoulder I turn my head seeing Felix himself standing behind me. He nods to the side and I stand up, Jason sends me a look and I follow him away from the table before he stops walking.

"Can we talk please?" He asks and those eyes sends another bead of hurt right through me.

"Yeah, actually." I answer nodding my voice coming out in a croak.

"You can eat first I don't want to interrupt I have to do a few things." He says and I nod.

"Okay, definitely." I say and he nods walking off, Camille meets him at the door with the tablet and it looks like they discuss. I go back to my table and his gaze meets mine and I read so many emotions through his eyes and a deep spark settles in my chest forcing me to look away. I watch as they discuss, his eyes catch on mine a few times a few times it looks like he is almost crying.

"Are you okay?" Jason elbows me.

"I think so." I answer honestly. He nods engaging back in the conversation with everyone else, a few times Camille has to tap him to get his attention. He finally tells her something and she disappears, he stays there before a deep emotion passes through his eyes.

I see him go through the door to the bathroom, and with the lingering stares we have been sending each other since he asked me to talk to him, I feel pulled. I get up and slowly make my way over to the bathroom door, and I nudge it open. I realize there are only two stalls and I walk to the first one and see him standing there, door wide open. He looks up and those piercing green eyes make eye contact with me. I've been longing him to touch him for so long, but I don't know if he'll let me, I want to find out.

I take a step closer to him stepping into the stall, he does nothing but look down rolling his shoulders, his suit is so tight in all the right places. I reach forward in front of me and put my hand on his shoulder and he looks up at me. I know he has a girlfriend; I know it but I can't control the way I feel, and I want him. I bring my hand back to my side.

"Felix I'm sorry for treating you like shit." I tell him and he scoffs meeting my gaze.

"I'm sorry for treating you like shit." He matches my sentiment. I feel this pull to touch him, to display to him how sorry I am, my chest hurts so much like it's trying to jump out of my chest to get to him. I step closer to him.

"Are you going to stop me?" I ask and he looks down saying nothing. "Look at me." I order and he does, with a tired look on his face.

"You and I both know I would never stop you." He whispers, and I lunge forward stealing his lips in a searing kiss, it feels as if two pieces are being sealed together in this moment. I pull away breathing heavily and I see that spark I once saw years ago, the one I fell in love with in his eyes. "Please, Dom." He looks at my lips.

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