"Huh," Andi frowned as well, surveying the street that was full of people, but no cabs, "That's kinda weird. Usually there are loads outside waiting..."

"I bet a bunch of them are at that stupid fucking MTV thing," Lizzy responded with a roll of her eyes, "I guess that's the bigger event so they probably all went where they could make more money. Oh well, it's okay. I used to live around here. We can walk."

"You sure?" Andi asked with a frown.

"Yeah, sure," Lizzy nodded, "My old apartment building is a couple blocks that way so that means," Lizzy tapped her chin thoughtfully and turned, "We actually need to be heading the other way to get to Peter's place."

Andi turned around with Lizzy, "Maybe we should wait? I mean, surely a cab will come along soon."

"I guess we could," Lizzy said as she stopped and frowned, "I really don't feel like walking all that way anyway. I really just want to be home with my behemoth." Lizzy then hummed, "I still got that other joint. We could sneak around the corner again. Maybe when we're done a couple of cabs will come by?"

"Yeah, sure, we can do that," Andi said with a nod.

Lizzy and Andi slipped behind the same building from before and lit up the second joint. Lizzy grinned as she passed the joint to Andi, "I really gotta thank Josh for this."

"How exactly did you sweet talk him into this anyway?" Andi asked, as she took the joint from Lizzy and took a hit.

"I just went up to him and asked him," Lizzy giggled with a shrug, "I dunno, Josh likes me and he told me that despite all the 'mushy stuff,' as he put it, Peter is the least miserable he has ever been since we've gotten together, so that's why he's nice to me. You know, when he's not giving me shit, anyway."

"Well, that's nice," Andi hummed, passing the joint back to Lizzy with a sigh, "We're all just one big happy dysfunctional family."

"Yeah, but we put the 'fun' in 'dysfunctional,'" Lizzy said with a snicker as Andi rolled her eyes. Lizzy then licked her lips, "Y'know, I'm getting kinda hungry."

"Uh-oh, the hippie's got the munchies," Andi snickered back at Lizzy.

"Oh, fuck off," Lizzy laughed before peaking around the building, "Let's see...there's a KFC and a Taco Bell within walking distance. Wanna go get some grub?"

"I thought we were gonna wait for a cab?" Andi asked with a raise of her eyebrow.

"We can just as easily get a cab there as we can here. Come on, I want some Fiesta Potatoes," Lizzy said, gesturing for Andi to follow her.

Andi flicked the tiny nub of the joint that was left away before shrugging, "Not KFC?"

"Lord," Lizzy's eyes widened as she smiled, "If I went to KFC without Peter? I think that would almost count as cheating to him. I guess I could get him a bucket, but I wasn't kidding about wanting Fiesta Potatoes."

"Alright, Taco Bell it is," Andi said as she and Lizzy walked down the street.

Soon the glowing lights of Taco Bell were in sight. Lizzy lips pulled into a smile as she dashed up to the drive-thru window. She smiled and waved at the attendant who took one look at her and yelped out in a panic before dashing away.

"Hey, what the fuck?" Lizzy asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Lizzy, you dumb hippie!" Andi said with a laugh, "You can't just walk up to a drive-thru!"

"Well, jeez! I didn't think it'd be that big of a deal," Lizzy grumbled with a frown before she shook her fist to the sky dramatically, "I just wanted my potatoes. I mean, fuck! What do a couple of Irish girls gotta do to get some potatoes around here!"

Burnt Flowers Fallen - Peter Steele (one-shot and short story collection)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें