Chapter 7

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"Alright Mei, here's the plan!" MK began as he slammed two blank pieces of paper onto the floor between him and Mei. Mei grinned happily and nodded her head.

"Oh I can already imagine it! Once we make thing right, both Monkey King and Macaque will be flying off into the sunset in love~!" She exclaimed. MK spun the pen in his hands as he glanced down at the two sheets of paper before looking back up at Mei. 

"So, the letters I discovered clearly showed that the two had some kind of dynamic between each other. I was thinking, perhaps we can set them up. Y'know? We can write a letter for both of them, pretending it was from the other. Maybe like an apology letter so the two can get over whatever problems they had." MK explained. 

"Look at you! Since when are you the thinker of the team?" Mei joked, nudging her friend in the shoulder. MK gasped.

"What do you mean? I'm smart. I think all the time!" MK said, straightening his posture and folding his arms. 

"Besides, this is for Monkey King. If this succeeds, it will make things right between him and Macaque." 

Once again, MK glanced down at the papers, tapping the pen in his hands gently on the floor. Mei grabbed one of the sheets or paper and pulled out her pen. 

"Hmmmm, so what exactly do we write? To be fair, I don't know what big problem the two can't get over." Mei said. 

"I could've found out more if Monkey King told me at least anything! But he didn't, it was weird. I mean- I'm his successor! Doesn't he trust me?" MK sighed. 

"Besides, I can't go to Macaque either. The guy would absolutely destroy me if I brought it up!"

"That's a shame. What ever happened between Monkey King and Macaque must have been... really bad. But it's so obvious that they were in a relationship. Whenever they meet up now the two fight like an old married couple!" Mei huffed. MK scratched the back of his neck and looked out the window. He really hoped things didn't end up going south. He just wanted what was best for his mentor. The monkey did seem really pissed whenever Macaque was brought up, yet he did seem really heart broken. Macaque on the other hand, was difficult to explain. His schemes  always had a meaning behind them. How was MK just noticing it now? He wasn't just a bad guy or the villain in a story. The demon just needed redemption, but it was never offered to him. 

"I'm gonna make things right. No matter how long it takes." MK pressed the pen against the letter, ready to write, but came to a stop. 

"Oh come on! I just thought about it. We have to be careful. We can't just write out an apology letter saying to meet up again. We have to write it out how Monkey King and Macaque would write out a letter. Y'know what. I'll do Monkey King, you do Macaque. How hard can it be, right?" MK said, a weak nervous smile appearing on his face. 

"Surrrrreeeee. I have to write from the perspective of an edgy monkey seeking revenge. How fun." Mei answered with a sarcastic tone. She rolled up her sleeves and cracked her knuckles.

"Let's do this!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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Words That Should Have Been Burned (Shadowpeach ) Monkie Kid AUWhere stories live. Discover now