Chapter 6

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3rd POV

"Why did you and Macaque break up?" Was the very first thing MK blurted out. Wukong sighed loudly as he pinched the bridge of his nose. 

"Okay, fine! I won't  start with the personal questions. But- this whole topic does seem personal since you clearly have history with Macaque and I kinda do want to know everything.." MK said, his voice getting soft at the end. He was trying his best not to be pushy with Monkey King after all, but knowing how the monkey liked very much to lie or make things up, he wasn't really left with an option.  Wukong looked up at his successor and once again sighed. 

"Listen kid, all I'll tell you for now is that we all make mistakes... and I made a few, so did Macaque... and at the end, things just- just didn't work out." Wukong said, his voice sounding stern at the end. MK looked at his mentor with a curious yet worried look in his eyes. 

"We both had a fight, a huge one, and- that was the last time I ever saw him or spoke to him. Until those few weeks ago, which I can't believe you let him manipulate you like that!" Wukong exclaimed. MK looked away from his mentor as he bit his lip. MK did recall those few weeks ago. The fight at the mountain and at the theater... wait, the theater! He remembered, how the shadow play Macaque had put on, he talked about a hero and a warrior... and how the hero left the warrior behind. 

"Why'd you do it?" MK asked as he looked back at Monkey King. 

"Why'd I do what...?" He asked, the tone in his voice clearly showing that he could possibly know what MK was already going to ask. Wukong looked back down at the letter he had in his hands for a while.  

"You left him. You two were good friends- more than good friends from what I've heard. And- and you just left him like that? What, you cared more about your power than those around you  and who care deeply for you!" MK exclaimed. Wukong clenched the letter in his hands and his tail flicked on the ground. 

"That's not what happened.." Wukong growled then paused. 

"Where did you even hear that?" He asked as he looked back at MK.

"From... Macaque." MK replied. Wukong folded his arms, looking away for a while before looking back at MK. 

"I will only tell you once, don't go messing around with things you don't understand." Wukong said. MK paused for a moment as Wukong stared at him. He already had a feeling that MK wasn't going to give up so easily, and boy was he right. 

"Then make me understand. I want to understand!" MK said eagerly, but to no use was Wukong going to comply. 

"Kid, don't mess around with this. What more is there to understand that me and Macaque are exes?!" Wukong said, raising his voice louder, but not exactly to the point he'd scream at MK. MK huffed as he stood up. 

"Oh you guys won't be exes for long." MK said casually as he walked off. Wukong put on a face of confusion and stood up as well. 

"Uh- what?" 

"You heard me! I'm going to fix things and there's nothing you can do to stop me!" MK yelled as he continued to walk off. Wukong sighed loudly and shook his head. Wukong shrugged to himself. He didn't think the kid could actually fix something he and Macaque had been trying to for years now! No absolute way...

"Welp, I'm going to go fetch a snack and hope for the best." Wukong said to himself and walked off to his shack. 


Macaque sat down in front of his chest and rubbed his face. How, just how did he kick MK out of his hide out but possible let him get away with one of HIS letters. Hell, he already had a list of things that could go wrong if Wukong laid an eye to that letter. 

"Just great, just great!" Macaque yelled as he launched up and kicked the chest over to the side. A few of the papers fell out, landing just in front of his feet. Macaque couldn't help but softening the expression on his face. He shut his eyes as he bend down and picked up one of the letters carefully, as if it could attack him at any moment. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a lighter and lit it, slowly moving it under neath the letter he held. It didn't take long for him to smell the smoke coming from it. Only a second it lasted before his eyes shot open and he quickly let go of the letter and stomped on it. 

"No, no, no! Not yet..." He mumbled to himself as he set the flame out, only leaving ashes on the floor. Macaque flicked his tail on the ground in regret as he looked at the other letters and carefully placed them in the chest before closing it. He wasn't ready to move on, and he never felt like he would. 

It hurt to hold on to them, but it hurt even more to move on. 

Words That Should Have Been Burned (Shadowpeach ) Monkie Kid AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang