You're adopted and he acts like you don't exist

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Harry: You and Harry have never really got along, maybe it was because you were adopted. You always wanted to makean effort with him, but he never seemed to care. One day you were just about the house, as usual when you accidently walked into Harry, making him spill his drink everywhere. "WATCH WHERE YOURE GOING (Y/N)! URRGH, YOURE SO CLUMSY!" Tears began to form in your eyes, He saw that you were about to cry, but just walked away. Will he ever just except the fact that youre adopted? 

Niall: You always thought of Niall and Greg as brothers. Greg was always kind and caring towards you but Niall couldnt care less. You was all watching a film as a family, when Niall stood up to go to the kitchen. He asked everyone individually if they would like anything from the kitchen. However he asked everyone except you, you felt hurt inside but didnt show it,as you thought everyone would think your being over dramatic. As it was getting late, you decided to call it a night. You wasnt even tired, you just wanted to get away from everyone. 

Louis: It was only you, your mum, Louis and Phoebe at home today. Louis and Pheobe went out yesterday, so when you overheard Louis mention the park, you entered the living room, hoping that he would invite you. No, he just took Pheobe, without even asking you, ifyou wanted to go. Even though it was only a small thing, you still felt hurt inside. Everyone else treated you like family, so why couldnt he. 

Zayn: You was in the living room watching TV with Zayn and your mum, when something came on TV which you didnt want to watch. You asked Zayn to pass the remote, he didnt answer "Ummm, Zayn?" He looked at you, but looked back at the TV, totally blanking you out. You tried one more time, before you had, had enough, you got up and walked to your room. He deffinatly heard you, so why did he chose to ignore you....

Liam: You had been given some maths homework , today and it was so hard. You knew Liam was good at maths, but darednt ask him, because you knew he would either shout or ignore you. However, you 2 were the only ones in the house, so you had to. You walked downstairs preparing yourself for the worst. "Liam...... i have this maths question which i cant do, can you help me please?" He turned to you and turned away. "is that a no then...?" "OF COURSE ITS A NO! GOD! YOURE SO ANNOYING!" You ran upstairs, shocked at Liams outburt. 

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