We all replied with a yes before I went behind the doors they had made for the set, waiting for the timing.

—///— no one's pov- their names will be their characters —///—

Natasha and Wanda where sitting at a meeting table, waiting for Agent James to meet them so they could go back to the tower.

"She's late." Natasha says as she taps the table.

"Fury did say that she had meetings up until 1pm it is currently 10 past one." Wanda defends the woman she's not even met. "She will be here soon, give her a chance."

"Why should I?  She's a kid who jumped from Job to job. She can't be that good." Natasha spits out just as the doors open.

"Sorry I'm late. And for your information Natalia Alianovna Romanova, I didn't jump from job to job. I was raised in a place where I was trained to fight, when I escaped I got a job as a doctor. Now I'm back to doing what I was raised to do." Sadie said, pulling off a blazer jacket to reveal a shirt that was rolled up and the sleeves and slightly unbottened to show a slight cleavage. " I don't go with anyone without doing my research. It's nice to meet you Wanda."

"Whatever, let's get this done with and go to the tower." The red head sighed as she got out of her seat, brushing past the blonde.

"I need to pick my bags up from the office." Sadie replies shaking Wanda's hand before they follow the woman.

"Of course the princess has a office." The tallest woman mumbles loud enough for the younger woman to hear.

"I am not a princess." Sadie spits out, hating the nickname this woman has given her.

"If you say so princess."
Scarlett's pov-

"And cut!" The director calls as we all exit the set through the fake door.

"Take a break and then we will do this scene again before we go over it one more time and then we will skip to later in the movie to Scarlett's and ambers first scene alone together."

We all agree before Amber jumps on Lizzie with a laugh.

"Take me to food." She whines, leaning forward so her head on her sister shoulder.

"Nope, I need the toilet." Lizzie shrugs the blonde off of her shoulders before pushing her towards me. "Get Scarlett to take you."

"But I want a piggy back ride" she whines making me laugh.

"Come on Amber let's get some food." I hold my hand out for her to take but she just pouts at Lizzie. "God you are worse than my actual children, I'll give you a god damn piggy back ride."

"Yay!" She jumps on my back, her arms wrapping around my shoulders and her head leaning against my shoulder. "You are my favorite cast member by far."

"Now that's just rude." Lizzie shouts as she walks in a different direction to go to the toilet.

I walk us over to the food table, I wait for her to jump down but she doesn't she just tightens her grip and tucks her face into the crook of my neck.

"Amber, we're at the food table." I tell her in case she wasn't looking.

She whines again before jumping off my back and picking out any food she wants onto a paper plate.

I fill my own plate before we head back to the set to eat while we wait for the break to finish.

When we sit in the small sofa that was on set for us cast members to take a break on, Amber quickly lean against me before eating.

She's being very clingy, but I can complain because I am loving every second of it.

"You okay Amber?" I ask as I start to eat the small sandwich I had picked up.


We stayed like that until it was time to re-film the scene so they can choose the best one.


"Okay, Elizabeth you can go home now." The director says before talking me and Amber about our next scene.

"Okay, Amber and Scarlett go get changed into your next outfit and then we will start.

No one's pov- (character names.)

(This is later on in the movie, Sadie's joined the team and Natasha and her have been fighting nonstop until Sadie had had enough)

Natasha was sitting, crossed legged on her bed. Flipping through a book that she had read about a hundred times.

Suddenly her door flung open and Sadie walked in, shutting it behind her.

"One that was locked, two get out of my room princess." The red head hissed when she looked up to see the blonde.

"I know how to pick a lock and two we need to talk. Three don't call me princess for the last time." Sadie growls almost forgetting why she went to the red heads room in the first place.

"Fine, we can talk but I'm calling you princess, princess."

Sadie takes a deep breath, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"What is your problem with me?" The shorter woman sighs as she loses all of her confidence.

Natasha looks shocked at what the woman was saying.

"I- I just don't like you. Just because you are young and are a doctor and so on doesn't mean you get special treatment."

"Special treatment?! Is that what this is about? I have never had any special treatment." Sadie shouts pushing herself off the bed to stand and shout at the woman.

"Yeah right, you can't be this high in S.H.E.I.L.D and at doctor at your age without special treatment."

Sadie glared at Natasha ready to walk out but then she decided she had to put a end to this.

"When I was born, I was stolen from my parents the same day I was born. The people that kidnapped me raised me to be a spy and kill their enemy's. I escaped when I was 16 and I decided I wanted to become a doctor. I finished school and I still didn't feel bored and useless. Fury offered me a job when he tracked me down after catching my kidnappers."

Natasha's eyes softened as she watched the blonde shout at her.

They were more similar than she had thought.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were just some bratty princess that couldn't decide what job she wanted."

"It's fine, does this mean you will stop calling me princess?" Sadie asked as she sat back down on the bed, this time next to Natasha.

"Sorry that's a no can do!" She replied bumping her shoulder against Sadie's.

"And cut!"

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1549 words

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