This Moment

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Elizabeth ran into the room with the time window to see the Doctor running around frantically.

"You found it, then?" She asked him out of breath, not tearing her eyes away from the window, which showed french aristocrats running from a ballroom, screaming their heads off in fright from the droids.

"They knew I was coming. They blocked it off." He ran around sonicing everything he could and pushing buttons that were no use to him.

"I don't get it. How come they got in there?" Rose questioned. 

"They teleported - you saw them. As long as the ship and the ballroom are linked, their short-range teleports will do the trick."

"Well, we'll go to the TARDIS!" Rose tried to help, hating standing around and doing nothing.

"We can't use the TARDIS, we're part of events now." The Doctor snapped back, running around and sonicing all the screens in the room to make something work.

"Well, can't we just smash through it?" Mickey countered.

"Hyperplex this side, plate glass the other. We need a truck."

"We don't have a truck" Mickey dumbly replied. 

"I know we don't have a truck!" The Doctor was getting frustrated and shouted back. Elizabeth, who didn't like yelling, jumped at the man's outburst. She clutched her necklace trying to come up with a helpful plan.

"Well, we've gotta try something!" Rose snapped back at the Doctor, her frustration building as well.

"We have a horse?" Elizabeth finally tore her gaze away from the window to look at the Doctor. He stopped in his tracks to take in her idea. 

"If the glass gets smashed then so does the time window. They'd be no way back." He stared back at the blonde as she confidently stepped closer to him.

"We have to risk it. It's not like you to back down. You'll find another way back, I know it." She put her hand on his chest, where his heart should be, solidifying her trust in him. The Doctor looked down at his chest for a second and then back into her eyes. It took him a second to think this through but he had to admit that she was right. Again. 

Without wasting another second he dashed through the doors in search of Arthur. 

"I really hope this works," Rose confessed. While waiting for the Doctor to come back they heard Reinette through the screen, trying to calm down the panicking people. Not long after her speech had started they heard galloping coming down the hall. The Doctor entered on horseback, looking nervous and getting ready to smash through the time window.

"Doctor?" Elizabeth caught his attention once again. "Promise you'll find a way back?" 

How could he say no to her? Her hopeful look was all the motivation he need.

"Cross my hearts." 

He threw one last look at his companions and then he was gone. Shattering the window into hundreds of tiny shards. The terrifying voices from the other side ceased, replaced with a deafening silence and creaking of the abandoned ship. Rose got closer to the empty frame. Searching it for any hope of the Doctor's return.

"What happened? Where did the time window go? How's he gonna get back?" Mickey demanded some answers. But Rose just stood still.  A single tear ran down her cheek. Elizabeth went to stand by her side and grabbed her hand. The blonde didn't even cast a single glance at her friend. Too overwhelmed with shock, sadness and confusion. 

He didn't even say goodbye to her...


Hours passed. They made their way back to the Tardis and waited outside in silence for the timelord's return. At one point Elizabeth got restless and started pacing, which drove Rose mad. Before she could get too annoyed with the girl they heard a commotion coming from the abandoned fireplace in the next room. They snapped their heads in the direction to see the Doctor coming back round the fireplace. Rose got up from her seat on the floor to run and hug him.

Starlight ★ TENTH DOCTORNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ