Aslan's Camp

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 The five of us, as well as the beavers, continued to walk for quite some time. It was tiring work, but we kept at a steady pace, so my illness wasn't affected. I do not know what it is about Narnia, but I'm starting to feel free again. Like my condition was holding me back from everything, and now, I feel better than ever before. 

Mr  and Mrs Beaver were leading us all, while Peter and Susan were just behind them. Lucy and I walked together, with Henry pulling up the rear. "I really hope Edmund is alright" Lucy whispers, looking down at the ground as she walks. "Me too Lu, me too." 

The snow on the ground has disappeared, leaving vibrant green sprigs of grass in its wake. Spring is here. "C'mon kiddos, take your coats off, there's no need for em'" said Mr Beaver. We all discarded our coats and continued our journey. Lucy wanders ahead, gaping in awe at all of the beautiful flowers and birds surrounding us. "So" Henry starts while walking beside me "this has been quite the adventure." I snicker, yes, it certainly has been. "Henry" he turns to me again at the mention of his name. "Did you know about Narnia? I mean, before we came, did you know?" I hadn't really thought about it before, but Henry had been living with McCready for several months before we came, and he seemed to believe Lucy's claims with no hesitation or doubt. 

"Well, Lily, the first day I arrived at McCready's I was lonely and upset. However, I did love to explore, so, I decided instead of sulking about all day, I would make the most of my new life. So I started to explore the house and I came upon the wardrobe. I found a singular wardrobe in a room incredibly odd, so I went to take a closer look. I opened the wardrobe and I was hit with a cold wind, but that excited me even more. So I entered the wardrobe and found Narnia." He ended flatly. 

"Wait, so you knew about Narnia and didn't bother to tell any of us about it?" I was quite shocked and a little hurt by what I was hearing. "You could've defended Lucy so that she felt like she was believed!" I started to raise my voice. "Look, Lily, I'm sorry, but I didn't want anyone to know I had been here before because-" Henry was cut off by a horn blowing. 

I peered ahead of me to see rows of red and yellow tents, all with the same flag billowing on the top. Yellow, with a red lion. I saw the source of the noise, up on the hill to our right there was a centaur blowing the horn that signalled our arrival. I had read about mythical creatures in my books before this, so I was incredibly excited to see many as we entered this place. Aslan's Camp. 

There were many more centaurs milling about the camp. Fauns, animals and elves too. They all worked on making armour, food or weapons, but for some reason  stopped whatever they were doing to look at us as we passed them. I honestly felt a bit anxious and exposed, but I stayed next to my brother, and all was alright. "Why are they all staring at us" Susan questioned while still smiling, as to not concern anyone. "Maybe they think you look funny" Lucy giggled, I laughed along, but Susan did not find this amusing. 

We approached a tent larger than all the rest, although it was the same design. A centaur stood guard out the front of this tent. I can feel his eyes bore through me as we get closer. I keep my eyes to the ground until I hear Peter unsheathe his sword "We have come to see Aslan" he states as he holds his sword high for all to see. From behind us I can hear murmuring through the crowd that has gathered. 

The centaur turns his head towards the entrance to the tent and we follow his gaze. We all stare expectantly, as does the crowd, until we heard the clinging of armour as they all kneel. I turn my attention back towards the entrance of the tent. 

A singular golden brown paw emerges from the tent first, glowing beneath the sun. A moment passes, and before us is the most magnificent lion I have ever seen. Well, I've never actually seen a lion but I've read about them and seen photographs. But this one, is another kind of breathtaking. 

My brother kneels before him and the rest of us follow in tow. "Welcome Peter and Henry, Sons of Adam. Welcome Susan, Lucy and Lily, Daughters of Eve. And, welcome to you Beavers, you have my thanks. But where is the sixth?" At this my smile falls and my heart aches. Edmund, he isn't with us, and I'd forgotten. 

At this we all stand. "That's just it sir" Peter begins "we need your help".  "We had a little trouble along the way" Susan adds. "Our brothers been captured by the White Witch" I say solemnly. Aslan looks taken aback, like this wasn't a part of his plan. Maybe he should wear this bracelet. "Captured? How could this happen?" he looks at all of us, pleading for an answer. 

"H-he, betrayed them, your majesty" Mr Beaver stutters nervously. This causes an uproar throughout the crowd. I hear people calling him a traitor and speaking down on Edmund and my blood boils. How dare they! "Then he has betrayed us all!" The centaur yells and I tense up. Aslan roars so everybody begins to quieten down, causing peace to return to the crowd. 

"I'm sure there's an explanation" Aslan states, peering down at Peter for an answer. "It's my fault really, I was too hard on him" Peter says, sadness lacing his words. "We all were" says Susan as she lays a comforting hand on Peters shoulder. "Sir, he's our brother." I whisper, holding back all the emotions threatening to spill. 

"I know, dear one. But that only makes the betrayal all the worse" Aslan says sympathetically. "This may be harder than you think."


Hi guys! I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, I really had fun writing it. I know this one is quite short, but I find it easier to publish multiple small chapters instead of larger chapters. I wanted to quickly let you guys know that I have face claims for both Lily and Henry. If you do not wish to use these face claims, do not feel the need to. These are just how I imagined my characters. If you have another suggestion for a face claim for either Henry or Lily please let me know, I would love to hear your suggestions!

 If you have another suggestion for a face claim for either Henry or Lily please let me know, I would love to hear your suggestions!

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                                                            Louis Partridge as Henry Montgomery

                                                                    Mackenzie Foy as Lily Pevensie

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                                                                    Mackenzie Foy as Lily Pevensie

Love you all! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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