Father Christmas

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"Only Aslan can save your brother now." Mr Beaver stated grimly. "Then take us to him." Peter demanded, but there was a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Those words kept playing over and over in my head. The witch wanted to kill all of us, and she might have already done so to Edmund. At that thought a single tear rolled down my cheek and landed in the snow, creating a small hole. Deep down I knew Edmund was alive, my twin instinct is never wrong. Peter was quite far ahead, carrying a sleeping Lucy in his arms, Susan close behind him. Henry had been walking beside me the whole way, checking up to make sure I was ok. His presence felt comforting, so I wasn't complaining.

It felt like we had been walking for ages but we finally arrived back at the beavers dam. I felt very light-headed and nauseous, but I kept that to myself, I really didn't want any fuss. We were moving quickly, we caught Mrs Beaver up on what had happened and she started packing very unnecessary things like jam and a butter-knife. "What is she doing?!" Peter yelled impatiently. "Trust me, I'm doing you a favor. Its a long journey and Beaver gets pretty cranky when he's hungry." How was she being so calm about this?! "I'm cranky now!" Beaver exclaimed trying to hurry up his wife.

As she scurried around packing more useless things I heard from a distance the howl of a wolf, and it kept getting closer. "Listen!" I hissed at them. Mrs Beaver stopped what she was doing and we were all extremely still and quiet. They obviously all heard it too. "They've found us!" Whispered Beaver. Mrs Beaver quickly finished packing and Mr Beaver opened up an entrance to a secret tunnel. Mr Beaver went in first, leading the way, followed by Peter, Lucy, Susan, Henry then myself. Mrs Beaver beside me.

We were making our way quickly through the tunnel, the torch-light being the only thing to see by. All of a sudden, the silence was interrupted by lots of padding feet. "Their in the tunnel!" Whispered Lucy with horror in her voice. We started to quicken our pace, a run for our lives. We reached a dead end, and I was starting to think this tunnel was the last place I'd ever see. "You should brought a map!" Snapped Mrs Beaver angrily. "There was no room next to the jam" Mr Beaver defended himself. Me Beaver started running in the other direction and soon enough he had found the way out. Peter pushed the barrel that was blocking the entrance out of the way and proceeded to climb out, then helping everyone else.

As I was helped out I saw that Lucy had fallen. When we all saw her everything grew quiet. She had managed to fall over a dozen or so small stone statues. But then I realized the most interesting thing, they all looked horrified. Not the kind of statues you would normally see.

Mrs Beaver made her way over to Mr Beaver and put a comforting hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry dear" She said softly. A tear formed and rolled down Mr Beaver's fur. I then realized that these weren't statues. These were poor little animals that were turned into snow. And I presumed that the badger was Mr Beaver's friend that we had heard so much about. This was all absolutely dreadful, and I knew that something this horrible must be the doing of the white witch.

All of a sudden a fox appeared. I immediately backed away and Peter put a protective arm around me. This fox didn't look friendly at all, this fox looked like he worked for the witch. "Stay back you traitor?" Yelled Mr Beaver, fists clenched. The fox just giggled a smirked, "Relax, I'm one of the good guys." He said, annoyingly amused with himself. "Yeah? Well you look an awful lot like one of the bad ones!" Shouted Mr Beaver, clearly still upset. But I couldn't help but agree with him.

Henry came up and stood beside me, brushing against my arm against mine. The butterflies in my stomach turned from nervousness to hope. "A unfortunate family trait, look do you want my help or not?" The fox had clearly explained this to many people before, and I believed him, I trusted him. We then heard more padding feet from the tunnel. The wolves were fast approaching. "What do you have in mind?" He said urgently, we had no other option we had to trust this fox, good or bad.

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