There Shall Be No Disturbing Of The Professor

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As we pulled up in the gravel driveway I noticed a stern-looking old lady standing next to the large oak doors. That must be Mrs McCready, wonderful. "Henry you are awfully late with the children! If I find out you were sight seeing you shall be going to bed with no supper! Now hurry up and park the wagon!" I heard a little chuckle from behind me, Lucy could not hold in her laughter.

Henry parked the wagon and was the first to get down, so he could help us. He came to me first, offered his hand out and helped me down. His hands were so soft and warm and his smile was so bright. I couldn't help but stare at his gorgeous emerald green eyes and the freckles all along his cheeks. His scrawny brown hair just made him even more attractive. Wait, what am I saying!? I should not be thinking these thoughts. I quickly removed my hand from his grip and looked to the ground slightly embarrassed and blushing.

He helped the rest of my siblings down and we all retrieved our suitcases and headed up to the stairs where Mrs McCready was waiting for us. We were greeted my a stern "good evening children." She led us inside, the hall was huge! Filled with different artefacts I just assumed were from all over the world. It was truely magical, everywhere you looked you would see a different artefact.

"Now children, the professor is not accustomed to having children in this house, with the exception of Henry" she shot a quick glare at Henry who quickly looked down to the floor. "Now there are a few rules you need to follow. There will be no shouting" she turned to look at us " or running." She kept walking further up the stairs. "No improper use of the dumbwaiter." Susan went to touch a bust head when Mrs McCready turned back around and yelled "and no touching of historical artefacts! Now Henry shall show you to your rooms." She was about to walk off when I quickly stopped her. "Sorry miss, but my mother asked me to give you this." I handed her the letter that my mother had given me. I assumed I would explain my heart condition. Mrs McCready opened up the letter and read it intently. Once she was finished she folded up the piece of paper and gave me a sympathetic look. She stalked to Henry and quietly spoke to him and he nodded in agreement, then she stalked away.

Henry looked confused but didn't say a word. He just gestured for us to follow him and led us up the stairs. He led us down a corridor with 2 doors on one side and one on the other. "Now boys, this will be your room but I have been informed that your sister, Lily, will share it with you because of certain circumstances." I was furious, Mrs McCready had no right to tell this boy, even if he was nice, my personal information. I hid it, I did not want to come across as rude. The boys and I went into our room and I placed my suitcase on the single bed and started to unpack. Henry peered his head in the door "sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to let you know that if you need anything, anything at all, I'll be next door" he said and weakly smiled. "Thank you, Henry." "Also may I please speak to Lily? Just for a short while?" I stopped unpacking and walked out into the hall. "Lily, I'm not blind, I saw that you got angry with me just now" he smiled " please do not be angry, I do not know the circumstances, McCready just told me to put you in the same room as your brothers." "Oh, I-" he stopped me by grabbing my hand "you do not need to explain yourself to me Lily." I blushed fiercely.

"Well, Lily, I must be off! I'm trying to finish a book!" He ran off past me and I noticed I was extremely tired from a day of traveling. I entered my room and collapsed on my bed. I was truly exhausted. The minute my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

It felt like forever but I was suddenly awoken by Lucy shouting at Peter. "Peter! It's there it's really there!" Peter was mumbling some nonsense when I finally realised how dark it was outside. I sat up rubbing my eyes, I felt like I had been asleep forever. I saw Henry run into the room "is everything alright!?" Henry caught sight of my stare " goodness! Lily your awake!" Everyone looked in my direction and looked quite shocked. "Why is everyone staring?" I was so confused. Peter came over to my bed "Lily, you've been in a coma for about 2 or 3 days now." He said this calmly because he knows I don't realise I've been in a coma. It happens a lot. "Oh..."

Everyone explained to me what had happened while I was in my coma. Lucy had thought she found a secret world in the upstairs wardrobe and nobody, except Henry, has believed her. And now Lucy was claiming that Edmund went with her too, but he was denying it, the little prick. "Well I believe you Lucy" I said and weakly smiled. She smiled back, she obviously appreciated it.

"It's late we should all get some sleep, we'll play a game of cricket tomorrow, to lighten the mood." Peter said and smiled. Everyone went their seperate ways, Lucy still clearly upset with Susan trying to comfort her and Henry just gorgeous as ever. Wait what no!

Since I had obviously been asleep for a while there was no way I could sleep again. So I lit the candle next to my bed and read the only book I had brought with me. It was soothing reading by the candlelight. Soon enough it would be morning, and a whole day of adventure would ensue.

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