I'm Gonna Kill Him

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"When Adams flesh and Adams bone, sits at Cair Paravel in throne, the evil time will be over and done" said Mr Beaver, clearly annoyed about having to explain himself to us. "You know that doesn't really rhyme" Susan stated. Goodness she could be really annoying sometimes, why did she have to be a know-it-all? I shot her a glare and she shot me one back, she really pushes my buttons sometimes. "Your kind of missing the point!" Mr Beaver yelled very angrily that it made me jump.

Mrs Beaver put her hand on Mr Beavers arm, comforting him, because he was clearly distressed. "Listen dears, it has long been foretold that 3 sons of Adam and 3 daughters of Eve will defeat the white witch and restore peace to Narnia!" She said enthusiastically, as if it would make us jump off our feet and run into battle. I looked around at everyone, they clearly were just as confused as me. "And you think we're the ones!?" Peter said as if they were joking. "I bloody hope so" said beaver as if it was a stupid question "cause Aslan's already sorted out your army!" Our army? What did he mean by our army? He didn't seriously think that 6 children could defeat this all powerful witch? This beaver must be insane.

As if Lucy had read my thoughts she said "our army!?" We all obviously were not cut out to lead an army and defeat some witch, so why was the little beaver, that we met not an hour ago, telling us all these silly little plans? This was purely ridiculous! "We are not cut out to lead an army, I'm really not sure what your on about. As much as I would love to help, I've had quite enough of this, I'm tired and all I want is to go home. Lucy I'm awfully sorry, maybe there is another way to help Mr Tumnus but we really should go back!" I stated with a tear in my eye. I truly was sorry. I didn't want me or my family or Henry, for that matter to get caught up in a war.

I saw Lucy choke up and I couldn't help but wish that I hadn't just said that. 'Lily's right Lucy, we should go home. Ed?" He didn't respond so I looked to the spot on the stairs where he ought to be and he wasn't there. Peter saw too. "Ed!?" He stated more urgently, I was hoping with all my heart that this was just some stupid practical joke, but no, Ed really wasn't there. "I'm going to kill him!" Peter said as he looked back to all of us. "You might not have to" Mr beaver said under his breathe "has Edmund ever been to Narnia before?"

This was a time to panic, if what mr beaver said really was true, Edmund was in serious danger. Goodness, he really is blind to not see the facts. The white witch is not a good person nor someone he should've trusted. Oh, he can be extremely stupid at times. We all trudged through the snow at fast pace. I was ignoring my heart, at the moment all I cared about was my twin, all I cared about was that he was safe. I could see Henry and Peter staying close to me on purpose, just in case I collapsed again.

We neared a small hill and as I climbed I saw a light from over the other side. I sped up and as I reached the top of the hill I saw what was producing the light. A huge castle made of what looked like ice. I was a light blue colour and glowed extremely bright. It was absolutely gorgeous. But then I remembered who resided there and then it became ugly. I could see everyone else thinking the same thing.

I was so taken in by the castle that I had failed to notice a figure, as small as an ant from where I was standing, walking towards the palace doors. "Edmund!" Lucy shouted frantically. "Shhhhhh!" Said beaver in an annoyed tone. Peter started to run across the lake but was pulled back by beaver. "Let go of me!" Yelled Peter, struggling to get out of beavers grip. "You can't go in there!" He whispered. "But he's our brother, we have to save him!" I stated, as if it wasn't obvious already. "If you go in there, you'll be confirming her plan. It's a trap! She wants all 6 of you, to stop the prophecy from coming true, to kill ya!!"

A/N Sorry there wasn't a lot of Henry in this chapter but there will be plenty more of him in the future!
I also want to apologise. I have not updated for quite a while and I'm very sorry. Just after I published my most recent chapter my account was hacked and the passwords changed. I tried my best to get back in but it wouldn't work.
Luckily I learnt from past events and I saved passwords and screenshotted things for proof just in case things like this should happen.
So I got in contact with Wattpad and expressed my concern and showed them all my screenshots and they were able to help me get my account back!
Unfortunately all my drafts (upcoming chapters for The Weakest Pevensie), there were about 7, were all gone. I was devastated and didn't feel like I could write all those chapters again, so I gave up.
But today I was reading through the published chapters and through your feedback and comments and thought more about my ideas fur the future of this series and realised I couldn't stop.
So I'm really sorry for the wait and I hope you can forgive me! Please keep in mind that it's going to take me a while to get back on schedule with the posting 2-3 times a day.
Thank you for your patience.
Yours truly,
The Author

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