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  Jacob hung still through the almost withered willow branch. It might have been all the blood rushing to his head but he could see the rage and fury in the wolf's eyes as it charged at the elder. The wolf who had always seem to come at the right time.

Red pounced on Diane pinning her to the ground. She was grateful that they had been on time or Jacob would have been killed.

Her Jacob.

She had woken up from her...nap and found her brother and friends staring down at her. All but two.

Chloe and... Jacob.

"Where's Jacob?" She had asked low key panicking.

"Yeah. Nice to see you too sis" Her ingrate of a brother said.

It had took them some time but they explained what had happened in her... absence. The fool of a vampire had turn in himself and she could not let anything happen to him.

She had developed feelings for him overnight and she had no idea where they came from but she wasn't going to loose him now that she figured it out. Even though he could be very dumb at times. Emphasis on very.

They had manage to infiltrate the vampire celebration of new Dawn or as she likes to call it: Cannibalistic feast. They got more acetol from the werewolf council. It took a lot of convincing but they saw it was for a good cause.

On killing Rade, they attacked. It's only three of them as Eddie has to find Chloe while Jacob's parents are too chicken to show up. The council feels better with not interfering which sucks. She only hoped for the best.

She allowed rage take over as she saw Jacob about to get bitten by that snake Diane. All she saw was red as she dived her attempting to squash her head but turns out the elder is not called an elder for nothing. Diane threw Red off her as she speeds off towards her baring her claws and fangs. She wasn't about to be bested by a young wolf. She kicks and punches the wolf who grips her hand with it canines and cuts it off earning a piercing shrill from Diane. The wolf the lounges at her slamming her into the wall and with one swift move smashes the elder's head.

Jacob's eye grew wide with shock at what had just unfolded before him. He had never seen Red that angry before. He deemed himself lucky for not getting in that part of her nerves.

The wolf approached him walking as majestically as ever.


It was all he heard before he tumbled down face first to the floor. He groaned softly and lifted his head to faced human Red. She had blood sticking down her lips. He thought she had never looked better. Or maybe it was just the vampire side of him speaking.

"I'll deal with you later." she said as she walked passed him. "C'mon! We don't have all day!"

He ran behind her feeling lightheaded from hanging upside down. She went through a passage in the wall and he followed after. He could've sworn that it wasn't there earlier. She covers the opening with a stone and leans on the wall catching her breath.

"I'll mind link the others" she says "tell them I got you"

He allows here do her thing while he thinks of what to say to her. They weren't supposed to be here. She wasn't supposed to be here. He was going to fix everything but she made it worse. And killing two elders didn't help at all.

Although a part of him was leaping for joy that she had come for him. Maybe there was really a chance between...

"Jacob" she said snapping him out of his thoughts "you okay? You kinda zoned out there."

"Yeah. I'm fine" he says avoiding her gaze.

"Hey" she takes his hand "What's wrong. They didn't hurt you did they?"

"No but that's the problem!" He frees his hands from hers. " You're not supposed to be here. I had come to fix everything!"

"What? Fix what exactly?! You came to sacrifice yourself and encourage their tradition instead of stopping it! You came to die for people that don't give a flick about you..."

"It doesn't matter as long as you all were safe!" He cuts her. "As long as my parents were safe. And Chloe. And you." He looks down sighs a bit. This was it. He has to tell her.

"What are you talking about?

"The day they staked you...I couldn't leave with myself. I couldn't stand the thought of putting your life at risk again. I couldn't do it...even it meant killing myself."

"And did you ask how I felt about it! Do you know how worried I was when I thought you were going to die?!"

"You were worried. Why?" He says staring deep into her eyes hoping for the right answers to seep forth.

But she didn't say anything. She just stared back at him. He had known it would never work. He turned to leave only to be yanked back by his arms. He turns around and feels lips on his.

Red had slammed her lips on his moving sensually against him hoping to pass all her feelings across. She hadn't felt like this before so she couldn't say anything but hoped he got the message.

Joy and a strange felling of warmth seethe through her as he began to kiss her back. His hands found a place around her waist pulling her closer while her hands had wandered into his hair. She was about deepening it when there was a cough by their side. She jumped away causing Jacob to slam in the wall.

She looked towards the entrance at her friends and a hungry but blushing Chloe.

"Aww you guys" Eddie spoke. He was always the lively one.

"You make me sick" her charming brother said. Note the sarcasm.

"Let's move!" Peter said helping Eddie with assisting Chloe.



Thought I should add a little steam.

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