His instruction only baffled her further.

We are here... Where the hell is this?

Everywhere is dark, so why are we getting out of the car here?

"Ah? Where is this? Why are we getting out of the car here?"

She blinked at him with a lost look, the confusion on her face increased.

The man did not answer her question and only continued looking at her. His gaze seemed to be tinged with gentleness.


He opened the car door and got out wordlessly.

"Hey, Aryan!"

Is he gonna kill just because i didn't tell him about me!?

She shouted in shock when he hopped out of the car without a word at her.

What is going on?

Everywhere is dark here; can he see anything if he gets out of the car?

As she thought this, she became worried and hastily opened the car door to alight.

"Hey, Aryan! Why did you park the car here, and why did you bring me here?"

However, by the time she alighted from the car, not a trace of him could be seen. It was as if him getting out of the car was merely an image she had conjured and that she was the only person here.

"Aryan? Aryan, where are you? Don't scare me, okay?"

She started panicking inside when she did not see him anywhere and loudly called for him.

"Aryan, quickly get-"

Mid-speech, this pitch-dark place was suddenly bathed in bright lights.

Fairy lights and small ornaments hung on every tree in the vicinity. They were like Christmas trees - small and cute lights shone in a myriad of colors.

Not only the trees, even the ground was littered with bright lamps and candle-like lights.

When all these were lit up, she realized that she was actually standing on... a heart-shaped arrow made with rose petals.

In that instant, the eerie and dark surroundings turned into a fairytale place, and this stunned her for a good while.

She lifted her head and saw a long archway made of trees ahead, and a totally lost and clueless look descended on her face.

W-What is all this?

Amid her confusion, she heard a child's voice.

"Sarah di, this is for you!"

Returning to herself, she dipped her head and saw Golu from her Orphanage in a suit holding a stalk of scarlet rose.

She subconsciously reached out and received it.

"Golu baccha, who-"

The boy scurried away on his little feet before she could complete her question, quickly disappearing from her sight.

"..." She blinked at that, feeling even more muddle-headed.

"What is Aryan up to?!" she softly exclaimed. Lowering her head, she eyed the vivid red rose in her hand.

Roses... represent love.

Her expression turned even more lost.

That arrogant jerk suddenly brought me here and even gave me roses... Is he going to confess to me? She jokingly asked herself.

It is completely impossible when he knows about my past.

I don't think the great Aryan Singhania will love a filth like me.


This was when she spotted a little note tied on the rose stalk.

"What is this?"

She untied the little note.

'Our first meeting was on the square street. I remember your smiling face.'

Street ?

She blinked in confusion at the words on the note.

Does this 'our' refer to me and that arrogant boss? How come I recall our first meeting to be at Orphanage?

Although she refuted what was written on the note, her heart still pounded fast.

She carefully folded the note, placed it in the pocket of her outerwear, and went to where the arrow was pointing.

When she reached the second heart-shaped arrow made of roses, another little boy from the orphanage in a suit ran over to her.

"Sarah di, your rose!"

With a heart full of anticipation, she opened the note tied on the rose stalk again.

'Our second meeting was at Happiness Orphanage. That day i also got the true source of happiness in my life which completes me whenever you are with me."

She raised her foot and quickly walked forward with a heart full of anticipation. She was anticipating the words that would be on the third stalk of rose.

'On our third meeting was at Bar, you were like a drunk kitty, and just like that, you burst into my world like a tyrant.'

"Pfft!" She could not help but burst out laughing at this.

"What 'drunk kitty' and what 'burst into my world like a tyrant'? That's not entirely accurate at all. So corny."

She tightly pinched the note between her fingers. Although she said that in a spiteful tone, her face was filled with bliss, and she was grinning from ear to ear.

'Our fourth meeting was...'

She walked forward step by step. With every step, the blissful smile on her face grew.

Her pace quickened.

Every step she took was filled with bliss. Every step she took was brimming with unparalleled happiness.

"Sarah di, your rose!"

This was already the ninety-ninth rose, and she only thought that tonight was such a wonderful dream - everything felt magical and surreal.

By now, she was hugging a large bouquet of roses. The floral fragrance engulfed her.

The ninety-ninth rose she had received was much larger than the previous ones.

She moved to untie the note on the rose stalk, but she realised that there was nothing on it.

"Eh?" She paused, extremely surprised.

Just as she was feeling confused, she noticed that there was something at the rose itself.

Her breath halted, and she nervously took out the item.

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Happy reading ❤️




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