"I think I just fell in love with you all over again." She said before shooting me a humorous smirk.

I gave her a wink and picked up my bags. "Alright. Stop staring and let's get out of here." I mocked her bossy words.

She rolled her eyes charmingly and followed my orders.

We had no limo to pick us up. Which was alleviating, considering the events of Friday night and my hate for the last limo driver, also known as satan.

We took a taxi. It was a warm sunny day. With little traffic. Mainly because everyone was walking, with the beautiful weather. I would have suggested we walk if we didn't have luggage.

"Where to?" The taxi driver asked and I gave him the address to our apartment.

Lilly enjoyed the window down as she took in the breeze. Studying the sidewalk when we stopped at a red light. She turned her attention to me finally. I was already looking at her. I spent ninety nine percent of my day looking at her.

"You know what your problem is?" She asked. Catching me off guard. I couldn't have predicted she would start our conversation with that sentence.

I shrugged. "What's my problem?"

"You don't surprise yourself. You take all this time and planning to surprise me. But never once have you tried it with you."

I chuckled. Not understanding. "And how am I supposed to surprise myself, if I already know what I am about to do?"

"That's the thing. You won't." She paused. "I want you to do something for me."

I was so confused. But I tried my best to follow. "Okay, what?"

"Some day, when you are alone. When you have nothing else better to do. I want you to get in a cab. And when the driver asks 'where to', I want you to say 'surprise me.'" She finished.

"Why would I do that?" I laughed like it was the silliest suggestion. I actually thought she was joking.

"Because I want you to remember me every time you do something crazy. Whenever you feel alone. I want you to remember me that way. And I want you to surprise yourself." She grinned. A serious expression telling me she actually was serious.

I hated when she spoke like the ending was so soon. Because it forced me to think of how soon it actually was. I didn't want to think of how alone I was going to feel. She has become my life. So my life ends... when hers does?

But I knew I would remember her as that crazy girl I had the pleasure to love with the days that I had with her. That was an honor to me. No matter the end.

I nodded. "Okay. Some day. Some day hopefully very far away, when you aren't here. I'll do that. I promise."

She took my hand and squeezed it. "Good. I know you'll keep that promise. You always do."



I dragged the luggage up the stairs. Obviously our elevator decides to break down at this time. Of all times.Lilly insisted on carrying her own luggage. But I knew I couldn't let her do that. I didn't want her to push her strength like that. Not with how she has been lately.

Instead she unlocked the door and opened it for me so that I could pass through quickly and put the bags down.

They hit the floor of my apartment. "We're home!" I said with obvious exhursion.

She laughed at my panting. Telling I had a hard time with those stairs and the luggage. "You go relax, i'll do the unpacking." I obeyed, watching her as she knelt down and unzipped her suitcase. The first thing she took out was the gift box of keychains. She had the box out on her dresser at the hotel all weekend. I always caught her looking through them. It was cute how much they meant to her. A part of me didn't understand why.

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