Book 1: Haru to Aiden - Chapter 19

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"Oh my God! Oh my God! I can't believe my dream came true. I just can't believe it," Jess shrieked loudly from the other side of the line. "My best friend is finally getting together with the man he loves."

I chuckled. "Jess, can you please just calm down?"

"How the hell can I just calm down when this is the news of the century?" she snapped. "So, have you guys done it yet? The bedroom stuff."

I blushed, remembering what had happened only a few hours ago. "Yeah." I paused and then said, "Wait! Why do I have to tell you this type of stuff?"

"Of course you don't have to tell me any more. It'll be weird despite that I kept nagging you to." She chuckled. "I'm so happy for you, Haru."

"Thanks, Jess," I said.

"For what?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. For always being there for me and stuff."

"That's what a best friend is for," she said.

The door opened, and Aiden, hair wet and now wearing another pair of jeans and a T-shirt, walked in. He saw me in bed and on my cell phone and asked, "Jess?"

I nodded.

From the other side of the line, Jess asked, "Is Aiden there?"

"Yeah. He's here."

"Let me talk to him for a sec."

"Sure." I handed the cell to Aiden, who took it with a grin.

"Hey, Jess." Aiden paused for a moment and then said, "I will. Thanks. Bye now." He terminated the call and then handed me back the cell.

I asked, "What did she say?"

"Congratulations." He chuckled. "She seriously cares about you. I'm glad you have such a good friend."

I nodded. "Me, too."

"Should we get something to eat? I'm starving."

I was, too. After all, it was well past lunchtime.

"I'll make something. Why don't you get dressed?" Aiden suggested.

I nodded.

It was twenty minutes later when we both sat down for some Korean spicy noodles. It might not look it, but Aiden loved spicy food. He even made it fancy with chopped cabbage and some mixed seafood. It smelled amazing.

The two of us were about to dig in when noises erupted from the front door.

"Woah! Smells like Korean spicy noodles." This came from Isaac. "Is that you, Aiden? I want some."

"Make that two," Mason said.

"No, make that three." It was Noah this time.

I wondered why they were all home so early. It was only two in the afternoon.

Then, "I don't think Aiden made enough for everyone. I'll make another pot." This was Reo's voice.

A moment later, they all appeared at the kitchen's door and filed in, taking seats around the table. Isaac even got himself a bowl and started scooping some into it.

"Woah! There's even seafood. Nice," he said.

Aiden asked, "So, why are you guys home so early?"

Noah said, a smirk playing about his lips, "Because we were worried about you both."

"Really?" Aiden said with a raised brow.

Reo said, "From the looks of things, it seems like everything worked out?"

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