Book 1: Haru to Aiden - Chapter 4

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As Aiden stepped across the threshold of the apartment, he said, "Tadaima," the Japanese phrase meaning I'm home that Haru had taught them when he was eight. At the time, Aiden had insisted to his brothers they incorporate Japanese daily expressions into their lives so that both Reo and Haru would be able to quickly settle into their new environment. After all, he wanted them to feel at home, as a part of the new family as soon as possible. Of course, it didn't take any of them long to learn all the phrases, and once they started using them, they never stopped, and as Aiden had predicted, both Reo and Haru quickly and smoothly settled into their new life with their new stepbrothers.

For Aiden, the phrase Tadaima gave him a sense of comfort because home was where he and the people he cared about most could be with one another and spend quality time together.

"Okaeri." Noah said the phrase meaning welcome back from the kitchen door. "Was he late for work?" he asked, with an amused smile.

Aiden shook his head. "He was right on time."

"I see," Noah said, sounding a little disappointed.

Aiden raised a brow at his brother and said, "You still haven't showered?"

"I'm about to; I just need to get some things," he said. "Oh, and by the way, Reo and I will be doing some grocery shopping today. Do you want us to buy you anything in particular?"

Aiden shook his head. "No, I'm good." He was about to go into his room when he paused. "But don't forget to buy strawberries. They're Haru's favorite. We didn't get any last week. I noticed he was a bit disappointed."

Noah couldn't help himself and chuckled with amusement. He folded his arms across his chest as he cocked his head to one side. "You seriously need to pay less attention to that rascal, Aiden. He's technically an adult now, and I'm sure he doesn't appreciate you smothering him with that brotherly love of yours."

Aiden sighed. "I know that, but I can't help it. He's our youngest. It's hard to let the youngest go, and he's still too damned cute for an eighteen-year-old." He chuckled lightly as he said, "I remember he was such an adorable little boy when we first met him."

Noah nodded. "He was very adorable. That was ten years ago though, and what I'm trying to say is even though he's our youngest and even though he's cute, he is eighteen, an adult, and you, our eldest brother, need to give him room to grow. He's bound to leave the nest sooner or later."

Aiden felt his heart constrict at Noah's words. Yes, of course he understood that Haru was an adult now and that meant Aiden could no longer pamper him like he had done when Haru was younger, which, oddly enough, pained him.

Haru leaving the nest, indeed. Suddenly, the boy's words about moving came to him once again.

He eyed Noah and said, "Haru said something about moving. Did you know anything about that?"

Noah frowned. "Moving? You mean he wants to move out of the apartment?"

"He didn't say that exactly...but I have the feeling that's what he meant."

"So? What are you going to do about it? If he wants to move out, you obviously can't stop him, right?"

Aiden didn't want to admit it, but Noah was right. He couldn't stop Haru if the boy wanted to move out, but then again, why would he want to leave? Besides, the other brothers loved it here. It was their home, after all. Even Noah, who had already graduated from the university and was about to start his first professional job in one of the biggest gaming companies in New York still didn't want to leave.

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