Getting Weapons.

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My PoV

After being abruptly awoken from the kinky looking lady me and the other's spent a couple of hours explaining about ourselves. And also I kicked Doc in the balls when I first got up. Anyways Missouri is finishing his tale.

Missouri: And that's how I ended up here.

Ozpin: Interesting. So this world of your's only had humanity and climate to worry about.

Me: Yeah, Grimm don't exist where we're from, though someone made a Tv show called Grimm , and the author's know as The Brother's Grimm but other than that nope. ( PS kuweeby2 the show you mentioned is called Grimm. And it's a very good show to. )

Doc: Honestly, at times it gets boring, but at least we're safe. Though Goddamn it Alex I'm fucking sore now.

Me: Bite me ya Fuck Muppet.

Yamato: Honestly, I still don't get why you want to go to war Alex? It's the bane of all Humanity's existence.

Me: I'm an American. The USA was born from war. The most American thing is guns, War, and Survival. But the reason why is because of WWII and Missouri here. And no I'm not saying why.

Glynda: Ugh, this world of your's is more confusing, and your country sounds worse then Atlas.

Me: Hey, Kinky Bitch. Don't diss America!

With that said Glynda glared at me while griping her Riding Crop hard, bending it some. The others however gulped while scooting away from me some while Oz just sipped his coffee.

Ozpin: Now that you've explained your secrets, what are you going to do?

Missouri: Well we have a place to stay.... but our ships need a lot more breathing room.

Me: Not to mention that this..... Atlas of yours will probably hunt us down for our ship's, so where gonna need some kind of protection.

With that said Ozpin started smirking, and before he could speak Glynda caught on before opposing.

Glynda: Ozpin no.

Ozpin: Ozpin yes!

Yamato: What is it?

Ozpin: You see, if you're training at a Huntsman academy the you have diplomatic immunity as you will be the future heroes of the world and unless your actions are unjustified you will be able to escape arrest. So...... if I were to say..... enroll you four under transfer student status..... then I may be able to help with your predicament. So what do you say?

Missouri: Can we.... talk this out amongst ourselves first?

Ozpin just nodded before gesturing for us to start when where ready.

Missouri: What're we all thinkin?

Me: Well for starters, good leadership skills are needed.

Missouri: I was a Flagship for the US, so I have good leadership skills. Though 'bout thee offer. What do we make of it?

Doc: Well.......... Yeah. I say we go for it.

Yamato: Are you insane?!?!

Me: Yes. Yes I am.

I was ignored but I did catch Missouri giving me a side glance, as of he was going to ask me about it before changing his mind.

Missouri: K. So one for and one against. Your reasons?

Doc: Well as Ozpin said, we'll be able to evade arrest and capture by Atlas, which is pretty good in my book.

Missouri: Aight. And your against because.....

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