chapeter 7 meeting Charles' fam

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Months had passed and Charles finally told his family about his relationship with Tony.

Tony's point of view.

How am I supposed to act in front of Charles' parents!

My panic attack calmed down as Charles comforted me.
My roommates walked in.
"What the hell is going on?" William asked.
"Hmmm, we shall help you since why not." Ron grinned.
"I'm out, I have plans-" "It's not until Friday." Charles cut of Chase.

Friday came.
I was preparing for it.
"What if they don't like me?" I asked.
"They like everyone, they would love it if you were apart of the family." Charles smiled.
"Are you sure?" "Positive, and yes, they have gotten better."
I took a deep breath and we waited for his parents to show up.

Once they showed up... holy shit, I was extremely nervous.
I was shaking.
"Hello mother, father." Charles greeted them.
"Hello Charlie sweetie!" His mother clasped her hands together in joy.
"Good evening son." His father had his hands behind his back.
"Ayo! Was up big bro!" Some younger girl grabbed Charles' hand and shook it really hard.
"Hello Charlotte." Charles smiled, "Where's Hector?"
"Oh, Hector got sick so he can't make it." Charles' mother explained, "Who's this?"
"This is my boyfriend, Tony." Charles grabbed my hand.
"Awww, how cute!" Charlotte squealed.
I waved.
"I'm Vanessa Hicksin." Charles' mother extended her hand.
I shook her hand.
"Tony Forther."
"And I'm Johnson." Charles' father didn't seem to like me.

We were just hanging out when Johnson pulled me aside.
"Are you going to be like Charles' ex?" He asked, his voice serious.
"God no!" "You better not." "I promise." "Good."
Johnson walked away.
I was scared shitless.
I took a deep breath and joined everyone else.

"Hey, I saw you talking to my dad, what were you two talking about?" Charles asked.
"Oh, he just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to be like your ex." I explained.
"My dad was always like that. He always tries to look like a strong man who only cares about his work but he actually is a huge family man, it's nice." Charles chuckled.
"I never met my dad." I sighed, "My mom said that my dad was a murderer... Yes, me and Cary are half siblings."
I knew Charles was going to ask that.
"I would have never expected that." "I never told you." "I- You are not wrong."

Everyone left.
I was sooooooo relieved, I'm just glad that it wasn't at my house.

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