chapter one: a 'smooth' meeting

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(try to picture the two and everyone around as actual humans... with hair).

A man with a tophat walked to his favorite café when he met a man without a tophat.

"Hello good sir, I haven't seen you here before, may I know your name?" The man with a tophat asked after the man without a tophat ordered his drink.
"Ummm. Sure? My name is Tony. What's yours?" Tony looked slightly uncomfortable.
"My name is Charles, it's a pleasure to meet you good sir." Charles smiled brightly as he reached his hand out to shake Tony's hand.
Tony shaked Charles hand before he spoke again, "Ooookay, bye!"
Tony immediately left the café not looking back.
"Great job Charles, you tried to find another lover and yet again, you scared them off." The barista laughed.
"Could you not for once. I'm trying. Now, good day." Charles left the café as he walked back to his house (mansion).


He sat alone on his couch, he drank the rest of his coffee as he thought about his past lover, he cherished her, he spoiled her, he loved her so much, but, she broke his heart, she was unafaithful.
Tears rolled down his cheeks like a river, his tear stopped when he heard a knock on the door. He wiped away any evidence of him crying.
Charles opened the door and saw the shorter white haired man.
"Hello Charles, I asked some people to find your place, I think we should be friends." Tony looked embarrassed.
"I would love that, thank you T-" But before Charles could finish, Tony shoved a piece of paper at him and speed walked away. The man with a tophat smiled as his ghost white cheeks turned a light shade of pink, he waved goodbye and slowly closed the door.
Charles has moved on from his past lover and was now in love with the man without a tophat, he loved Tony's green eyes, his white hair, his style. Charles was in love and he liked it but his mindset changed realizing that Tony might break his heart like his past lover but he took whatever hope he had left for love.

Charles went to his bedroom on the top floor and he quickly fell asleep.
He had a dream where he was kissing Tony and he wished that it was real. (Simp)

He awoke the clock stuck six in the morning and grabbed the paper that Tony shoved him, it was a number, phone number to be exact. He texted good morning to the number and layed back down waiting for a response.

Man with a tophat x man with no tophatМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя