chapter six: chocolates

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Time had passed, it was Valentine's day and Charles was begging Cary to tell him what Tony's favorite chocolates were.
"I'll tell you if you find someone I can hangout with today." Cary crossed her arms.
"I thought you were aromatic." Charles was confused.
"Well I don't mind going on a few dates with somebody so it would be nice that I'm not alone today." Cary sighed.
"Well, the barista at my favorite café might want to go with you, her name is Jasmine, just ask her." Charles explained.
"The same place you met Tony?" "Yeah, how'd you know?" "Tony talks about it a lot." "Oh, well yeah, just ask Jasmine out, do your thing." "Well, Tony's favorite chocolate are Kit Kat bars." "Thank you."

Charles was at the store just buying a bunch of Kit Kats when "Hey Charles!"
Charles turned and saw Tony.
"Oh, hello Tony." Charles hid the Kit Kats behind his back.
"Whatcha got there?" Tony asked.
"We-well, uhhhhh- you see-" "Oooooh, I see." "Yo-you do?"
Charles was nervous as hell.
"I'll see you later." Tony hugged Charles, he finally saw what was behind Charles' back.
"Yeah, see ya."

Charles knocked on the door.
He was nervous.
Tony opened the door, he was wearing some oversized clothes.
"Hey Charles, come on in." Tony smiled.
Charles stepped inside.
"I was wondering if-" "Yes." "I didn't finish-" "yes."
Tony grabbed Charles' hand and pulled him to the couch.

They were watching TV. Tony was leaning on Charles while Charles had an arm around him.
"Do you love me?" Charles asked out of the blue.
"Yeah. Do you love me?" Tony asked back.
"I loved you since I met you." Charles smiled.

It's was late.
Charles was staying the night
Cary was still not there and Tony was worried so Charles called Jasmine.
"Hey bro-" "Where's Cary?" "She fell asleep." "Alright, thank you. Tony was worried sick." "Tell Tony that I'll have Cary back tomorrow morning." "Alright."
Charles hung up and shoved his phone in his pocket.
"Cary fell asleep with Jasmine, Cary is fine." Charles explained.
"Oh thank goodness." Tony was hit with a wave of relief
"Wanna go to bed?" Charles asked.

As they laid down in Tony's bed, Charles knocked over a glass making it shatter into pieces.
Charles froze, he was scared, tears started to form in his eyes.
"Let me get a broom-" "Don't hurt me!" Charles yelled.
"Why would I hit you?" Tony asked.
"I broke a glass, my parents would always hit me when I broke something." Charles explained as tears rolled down his cheeks.
"Let me clean this up and we can talk about this."

"So you were abused." Tony said as he sat down next to Charles.
"No, I was just getting punished-" "For something thag isn't a big deal."
"Yeah." "Take of your shirt." "What?"
Charles looked at Tony with red cheeks.
"Not like that! I wanna see something." Tony flushed rose red.
Charles did as told.
"Just as I expected, scars." Tony said as he ran his hand down Charles' back.
Charles wasn't sad anymore, he was just trying to not think about the fact Tony was touching him.
"Let's go to sleep, we can talk more in the morning." Tony said as he got under the blanket.
Charles nodded and he did the same.
Tony turned off the lamp and the room went pitch black.
"Your scars are cool though." "Thanks?"

Charles woke up, it was still dark but the only reason he didn't go back to sleep is because Tony wasn't there.
He got up and walked out into the dark hallway.
He sneaked downstairs, he heard shuffling.
He turned on the light and Tony stared at him... chocolate all over his mouth.
"How much did you eat?" Charles asked.
"Sixteen." "What."
They both stayed still until Tony got up and ran to the bathroom.
Once Charles caught up, Tony was puking.
Charles walked over to Tony and patted him in the back.

Tonh finished puking and he stood up, his legs were weak (that's what happens to me).
Tony flushed the toilet and made his way to the sink.
"Why did you eat all of those chocolates?" Charles asked.
Tony shrugged as he was washing his face.

Charles helped Tony back to bed and they fell asleep.

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