chapter five: cuddles

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The movie ended and Charles fell asleep. Tony took the opportunity to cuddle with Charles.
Cary went upstairs and slept in a guest room.
Tony smiled as he leaned more on Charles.
Tony closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Charles woke up, his eyes adjusted to the dark. Charles looked at Tony... Charles felt like if he woke up Tony, the world would die within seconds.

Charles calmed down and wrapped his arms around Tony... Tony woke up.
"Good morning." Tony yawned.
"Good morning Tony." Charles felt his heart beat getting faster.
Tony was listening to Charles' heart beat... he got worried.
"You good?" Tony asked.
"Y-yeah, I'm good." Charles didn't know what else to say.
"Hm, alright, if you say so." Tony sighed.
Tony leaned against Charles and closed his eyes.
Charles smiled and closed his eyes to.
Tony quickly kissed Charles on the cheek... Charles went red.
They kept quiet... that is until Charles started making noises like he was dying.
"Are you okay!?" Tony got off of Charles.
"I think I'm dying." "It sounds like you're dying." "I'm dying." "Don't die on me god damnit." "To late, I can see light." "Cary just turned on the lights..." "Well shit."
"The fuck did I walk into!?" Cary yelled.
"Shut up Cary! This shit is funny!" Tonh crossed his arms.
"Okay... I have an idea!" Cary grinned.
"What is it?" Charles asked.
"Okay. Tony, I'll give you twenty dollars if you kiss Charles on the lips?" Cary smirked.
"Really? Okay." Tony shrugged.
"Wait a damn min-"

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